Enough is Enough

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The sounds of the plex opening up for the day were jarring, though common at this point. Mimi's base programming took effect again, and as the heating system turned on he was free to go do his job. Freddy... he had something else in mind. Time to get that blasted woman out of this place.

When the staff members came in to check up on and monitor him, he grabbed the two usbs and showed them to the men- getting a lot of shock and confusion. Many questions were asked, and he almost didn't have time to answer all of them.

"Sun found the one with Moon's name on it in the daycare a while back. But the one with my name was found last night... seems it never got put to use. Probably a good thing. I am pretty sure the agg means aggression." He explained, the maintenance men taking each to inspect. They said they were going to show them to Vanessa before being stopped.

"That's the problem. The one with my name was found at her station, and Moon vaguely remembers her giving that one to him. It was under the ruse of it being a software upgrade of some sort. So she's actually the one who owned these." Freddy told them, keeping as much detail in as possible. But he did have the concerning part still.

"None of the others remember being given one, or even finding one. However, Moon's was found the morning before they had all become suddenly aggressive. I have a feeling there are more hidden or tossed somewhere." His expression and tone were enough to show it was truthful- though there was still some doubt. But this was before he gave a heavy sigh.

"Last night, Vanessa yelled at all of us for easily half an hour. Even Sun. She said things that hit harder than even the fear of being scrapped. Threats for just that were common. Blaming us even though none of the people affected know why it happened either. And she said things to Sun that I can never forgive her for. Never once had I seen them genuinely upset like that, until last night. Called us horrible for being aggressive." He grew somber, yet hateful as he explained. That rant. The rant that scarred many of them, easily. It hit very hard.

"However, she wasn't present for many of the major events of that night. She did not see any of the people she was hating on actually being aggressive. I thought it may have been watching through the cameras but... now I feel it's because she knew it would happen. Because she may have caused it." His expression showed everything. Vanessa needed to leave.

The two maintenance crew members were stunned into silence hearing all this. That was a lot to handle at once. But it's also overwhelming evidence towards sabotage. This was going to be discussed with higher staff, but until then it would be ensured Vanessa wasn't allowed near the animatronics. Tampering with them is grounds for firing, regardless of reason. But especially so if she had hacked any of them.

Freddy say down again, being glad this was over. Hopefully Mimi was okay through this. He deserved to be happy, with everything he did to help. Just... it can be risky. But hopefully replacing the voice box will help with that. When it's figured out anyhow. For now, the time spent huddled up for heat is enough.

Though thinking back like this. Freddy began to wonder if this had gone on longer. Like with Bonnie... did she do something to him? It wouldn't be surprising if she did something to decommission Bonnie, and set it up to pin it on Monty. But there wasn't enough evidence for any one answer. Freddy didn't want to think it was another of his friends.

He gave a sigh as he looked out the window of his room, smiling. At least now... everyone will be safe. Won't have to put up with what Vanessa has been doing. And that's enough for him. It means he won't have to be alone for a long time. He can live this life to the fullest. Everyone can probably get that hack dealt with. Actually, they most likely can.

Just... knowing everyone was happy. Happy, safe, and mostly free to be themselves. That's what matters most. And even if he can't leave this building, by golly will he protect everyone inside. No matter who they are. Because in his eyes? Everyone who deserves it is a superstar.

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