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Bruno was in his room he was in his vision cave.......trembling

He went to his room rubning down the stairs as fast as he could the cut in his arm was hurting and his vision was blurring and soon turned black him falling created a loud thud

Bruno soon woke up to surprisingly no one he guessed they were in town helping the people.....Bruno sighed,He still felt dizzy tho and his head hurted, he went to grab some tea in the kitchen, He soon saw his Hermana Julieta he looked at her and hoped she would leave the kitchen but he knew that will prob never happen

There was a large scar on Bruno's neck beacuse he fell on the staircase at night no one heard him his room is where Dolores can barely hear him beacuse there was constant falling sand at the entrace but she could kinda hear him...

Anyway.....Julieta spotted her Hermano and wondered why he wouldn't just come downstairs they were making eye contact and Julieta dicided to break the silence

"Bruno come down the stairs and get what you want from the kitchen or a question you want to get answered please.."

Bruno went down the stairs and stepped on the counter to grab a tea sack as soon as he stepped on the counter Julieta noticed the scar on his neck

" Oh Dios mío... Bruno....why do you have a scar on your neck?..."

Bruno didn't know what to say....does he tell her everything....does he lie?

"i....uh....i-.....i..i...i fell down the stairs in my tower to get down before?..."

"Bruno, Its a fresh scar?.."

Bruno was dragged by his arm by a minute off the counter before he said it hurted

" Julieta stop it hurts! "

Bruno regreted it the second it came out of his mouth..

Whiel Julieta's eyes opened and slowly lifted up his sleeve but he quickly pulled it down again

" Just let me see what hurts Bruno.. "

" What if i don't want you to? "

" Then don't eat my food nir Pepa's until i can see what hurts and let me fix your scar "

Bruno didn't talk back and just walked away and went back to his room, While Julieta just had a frown on her face all day after that...


It was soon time for dinner Bruno didn't come down for dinner neither for lunch or Breakfast that day Julieta started to worry about her hermano same with Pepa,Alma was also worrying about her son he would normaly go downstairs by now well that's what he usualy did before

" Julieta where is Bruno? "

Alma tried to ask Julieta and hoped she knew where and why but never got to know why

" Sorry Mamà i know but i don't know why he hasn't eaten Breakfast,Lunch, or his dinner yet, He is in his room for all i know Mamà... "

Alma looked down to her plate and started eating again

Pepa finished her food early to go to her Hermano's room she went up the steps and opened the bedroom door to see her Hermano sleeping and had tear stains on his face it was clear he cried himself to sleep she soon noticed the scar on his neck

She noticed soon enough she had a rain cloud above her head she quickly and quietly left the bedroom of his hermano and headed for the door to get out of his tower...soon enough she got out and saw Julieta with some food and water

" Julieta Bruno's asleep.....Maybe try tomorrow at lunch sense we need to help the people at morning.... "

" Fine maybe tomorrow....i'm just scared for him.... "

" Maybe let's talk about this downstairs Julieta... "

They headed downstairs and sitted down at the dinner table

" Now tell me what's wrong Julieta.. "

" There's nothing wrong Pepa...Well not with me....i'm just worried about Bruno....He hasn't ate Breakfast, Lunch, and now Dinner.... "

" Did you say something to him you know he can be sensitive and take things seriously "

" Well did you notice the scar on his neck? "

" Sí "

" Well i did say he isn't allowed to eat my food nor yours till i can take a look at his scars "

" Let's just check on his tomorrow...or this can continue for weeks "

Pepa got out of there with a cloud following her .... Julieta knew she did something wrong she planned to say sorry tomorrow.....she knew he would forgive her anyway beacuse that's what her brother did it bothered get a lot beacuse it would be like their Mamà when they were 3 she broke his stuffed bear out of anger and then started to avoid her a lot until she said sorry and forgave her immediately

And that one time when it was their 7th birthday Mamà forgot about it was also Bruno's Birthday and said sorry when she only saw him crying and when Pepa and Juileta said it was also his Birthday he forgave her immediately


It was finally the next day and was Lunch

Right after lunch Pepa and Julieta went to Bruno's room with some food and water, they walked up the stairs and opened the door into his bedroom Pepa almost fell down to see her hermano without his poncho

You could see his ribs you could see the fear in his eyes of his Hermana's to see him like this he began to search much harder for his poncho.....after 3 minutes he found it due to the stress of he was Experiencing he fainted Julieta putted the food down and helped his Hermano get on the bed same with Pepa even tho she had a cloud above her head

Some time passed and Bruno woke up his ribs was showing his nose was bleeding same with his arms,legs, and stomach

His vision started to come back same with his hearing

He saw his hermana's beside him

" Bruno did you actualy didn't eat my food? "

Juileta was so surprised same with Pepa they both had mixed emotions with how he looked

"you told m...me i...i...wasn't a....allowed to.....e-eat it same with Pepa's......not until i....i...show you my scars....."

Bruno sounded scared while he was saying he was also trembling at the time.....

" well i thought you'll sneak into the kitchen get the left overs..... "

" n...no.... I didn't eat..... nor drink water..... "

Pepa was by now thundering so she stayed back but sat beside her brother that was laying down in his bed

" Here have some food.... "

" N....no....It already hurts to s...speak"

Julieta and Pepa had tears to see their Hermanito like this......

Julieta handed the food to Bruno and hoped he would even try to eat it

Bruno tried to eat it...he tried to take a bite but everything was so sore...he still tried to and got to take a bite of it...chewing was really the hard part...Julieta helped with water in a few minutes he got healed but he was still sore

" Gracias Julieta .... Gracias Pepa.. "

Bruno didnt want them to worry but they did anyway...Julieta kinda did help sense he had a broken bone beacuse he fell the stairs but mostly from falling off the edge of the cliff from the top of the tower.......but mostly beacuse this time he actualy jumped.........


Chapter 7

Next Chapter(????)- Chapter 8

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