the park

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Chris Evans POV:
As me and my handsome boyfriend Sebastian walked through,the park a girl between the age of probably 10 -12 ran into us she seemed scared and frightened,I asked if she was ok then she let out a little yes and then apologized. Sebastian helped her up and also seemed to notice the terrified glimpse in her eyes then she started running again

Y/n POV:
When I got to the park I sat down on the bench and got my art stuff out I don't draw realistic things a draw strange machine's that look overlay complicated. As I was putting my stuff away I felt a strange feeling that I was being watched,I began to panic so I got up and started running my heart was beating so hard I thought it would pop out . I turn round to see if I was still being followed and just like that I bumped into something hard and fell to my bum . Breathing heavily I looked up at two men they looked about 30,I am so sorry I spitted out   the said it was ok and the darker haird one asked if I was alright I said yes then ran back in the direction of the orphanage.

Sebastian POV:
As the little girl ran away I looked to Chris ,we both shared concerned looks ,so you think she was ok I ask Chris who was stroking his beard  I'm not sure he said in a sad voice,

3rd person pov:
As Chris and Sebastian walked out of the park the seen the same little girl out side a big building just before the could say anything she went in and shut the door

Authors notehi it's lily sorry if this wasn't the best as I just wanted to put out a new chapter hope you have a good day or night

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