paper work

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Sebastian pov

While y/n went to pack me and Chris worked on the paper work on one off the sheets it had her background and I decided that I wanted to read it as my eyes scanned the page I felt so sad yet so angry that someone could do that to a child

What the file said

11years old
Dark brown hair
One blue ish eye and one brown

Background ⚠️trigger warning ⚠️

She was abused in her home and suffered severe injuries bad mentale health and has been molested

Y/n pov
When I went upstairs to pack I hade the biggest smile from ear to ear I grabbed my navy blue school bag and started packing .
I first put my drawing book and pencle In  the front then I grabbed my three pairs of shorts followed by some socks pants/underwear and finally my tops I don't have much but I don't mind . Then I slip my shoes on which i am sure are a couple of sizes to small.

Chris pov

We had just finished the paper work and me and sed were just talking as you were talking I seen y / n coming down the stairs with a small bag marry the the caretakers spoke up so y / n do you have all your stuff she just nodded and gave marry a big hug miss you so much I heard her squeak out me to  Mary said obviously crying remember and be good for Sebastian and Chris she croaked I will y/n responded

Sebastian pov

We had just left the orphanage and yn was sitting in the back I looked in the mirror and she seemed very figety scared it was awkward silence the hole way home when we got to the house me Chris and y / n got out of the car she seems very timid but smiled Chris spoke up this is your knew home he said she just nodded we should her around the house and then she went to her room to unpack while I made dinner

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