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Dream pov:

AHHHH I heard my mum scream and the door slam I walk out of my room to find my dad drunk and angry",daddy I want mummy "I said fuck off y/n my dad shouted and hit me with his beer bottle I had blood purring down my face as I cry in pain. Grow up he said in his venomous tone the it all went down hill. He lit a fag (cigarette)and when he was done he put it out on me

Y/n pov:
I woke up drenched in cold sweat panting trying to breath ,then I realized I was having a panic attack ,I tried to remember something I red in a book the 7-8-5 method so I tried it in for 7 hold for 8 then out for 5 after about half an hour later I calmed down but that dream fresh in my mind . I wish  I had gone to get my mum sooner because after that she left an cometed suside . I have always thought it was because of me I probably annoyed her that much she killed herself, then something wet trickled down my cheeks I had released I was crying? I felt so weake at that point I felt so useless

Authors note hi again while I was writing this I was listening to some music an I was wondering in the next chapters would you like me to make a playlist of the songs I listened to while writing bye


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