~!~ Haru Kuragari ~!~

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((I had no motivation to write this))

report no. 3


Haru Kuragari.

Current Status: Deceased
Age of Death: 15
D.O.B: 15.01.1922
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Spouse: N/A
Child(ren): N/A
Parents: Daku and Hachiro Kuragari
Sibling(s): Akio Kuragari

Todays report is on Haru, the daughter of The Maiden of Deep Mind and The Man with Blood Hands.

We have quite a bit of information on her that would clear up lots of the theories we had and ideas, due to her diary.

We were able to visit her grave and read some of the entries, giving us a lot of information, and will make this report a ton more interesting.

First, lets start off with some things we left unclear in Hachiros report, the anger that he had for Haru when she 'did something' was a reaction to finding out Haru tried to tell the police, locals, and her mother about was Hachiro was doing to her and her mother. Hachiro frustrated about this, tortured her much more.

Haru was always a big thinker, being able to work her way around things easier than others, she had a smart mind and was able to do things a way another could never have thought of.

We did find out that Haru has photographic memory which would assist in her smart mind, she wasn't always a straight A student in school but she tried her best, but she was always there for her friends whenever they needed her.

Haru was a poet and a story writer, it was one of her hobbies that she loved to share.

But now focusing on the drama at home, we made shocking discoveries from what she wrote in her diary.

In one page, she wrote about what happened when Daku was pregnant with Aiko.
"Today, mummy told daddy and I that she was pregnant with a baby, which means she has a baby in her belly, and she poops out i think.

Daddy told me that he was gonna hurt my little sibby, and do bad things to him, that scared me, so i tried to tell mummy and she said that she knows about it. Daddy got very cranky at me after, he layed me on the floor and kicked my arms and legs, it really hurt.

I kept writing my story about the little ducks, mummy said she loves reading them, daddy thinks i should suck it up and grow up. I don't want to, i need to finish the story or mummy will get mad at me."

When we read this, we found out one of the ways Hachiro would hurt Haru. The way she addresses her parents and baby Aiko means she was pretty young, which we predict she was around 5 when she wrote this.

In another entry, we get more info, this was after Aiko was born.
"mummy gave birth to my baby brother, daddy named him Aiko, such a good name for a perfect boy. He has blonde hair like daddy and blue eyes, he smiled at me today, it was very cute!

Haru heard daddy yelling at mummy while i was watching Aiko, he seemed very mad, i could hear mummy crying after.

I would have checked up on her, but i didn't wanna leave Aiko alone. Haru will just talk to mummy later."

From this, we see that Haru is nervous to leave Aiko alone with Hachiro, even though shes 5, she still knows that what he does is bad.

Sometimes Haru speaks in third person, that, we're unsure of why.

In this entry, we read about how Daku begged for Hachiro to stay.
"Daddy said he would leave mummy today, i was playing with Aiko, he grow so fast. Haru thinks hes still very cute, even though hes basically an adult now.

I saw mummy go on her knees like a puppy dog and tell daddy to stay, apparently she said mummy would eat his heart if he didnt leave. Daddy seemed worried, and stayed.

Harus a bit mad at mummy for telling him to stay, now i still dont wanna leave Aiko alone :("

From this, we see that Haru has grown. probably around 6 or 7 at this time, since her vocabulary has somewhat grown.

"I turned 8 today, Dad did some bad stuff to Aiko and me, mum says we nearly died. but apparently we dont have to worry, since Dad has gone to sleep for a very long time. Mum says to not go into the nursery, since its dangerous and smelly.

I really wanna go in but i dont wanna upset Mum, so i won't. Hopefully i can start leaving Aiko alone now, he is 3."

Turns out theres a high chance that Hachiro was left rotting in the nursery, since Daku told Haru and Aiko to not go in, since its smells bad. Probably from his corpse.

We do now find out that Haru and Aiko are 5 years apart, not much valuable information, but still something new.

The next entry we read on Harus 9th birthday, is sickening and quite disgusting, its so obvious what Daku had done, and after reading it i felt sick.

"Today is my nineth birthday! I'm really happy since Mum told me that we're having a very special dinner tonight, I can't wait!

Hey diary, it's me. It's late and past my bedtime, don't tell mum! She was a bit scary today, i'm a bit worried, but i'm sure shes ok.

I was just a bit worried about the dinner she made Aiko and me. It tasted yucky, mum told us that it was a special that Dad had prepared for us. She told us that she was very cranky at Dad for leaving, so she added something to our meat.

It tasted yucky and i didn't like it that much. I tried to tell Mum that Dad didn't leave, hes just sleeping. I wonder when he'll wake up."

The third paragraph that Haru wrote, made my heart drop. It's obvious what Daku had done, but Haru was completely oblivious.

This entry was after Daku had ended her life.

"Might be a short one, we're going to Mums funeral, doctors tell us shes dead. I'm 13 though, i'll be able to take care of Aiko."

Haru seems calm, but focused on taking care of Aiko, the last entry she made was

"Todays my 15th birthday, i feel sick. Might take a nap."

Which probably caused her death, thankfully she died peacefully in her sleep, Aiko was left on his own.

Haru was not pronounced an Urban legend, if she was, i'd call her 'Lady with a Sharp Tongue' as she always knew what to say.

May she rest in peace, Haru deserves it.

note: get permission to show photos of her diary, and perhaps find more information.

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