Suspicion and Feelings

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Hwasa, Jessi, Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, Rose-
Why the heck did you take so much of time.

Y/n - Yeah what am I supposed to do they decided the order asked about biscuits I told them then a boy asked me about my name I told him he told me his name.

Jisoo- Hmm and before taking the order you were looking there you didn't have any attention on us

All the other 5 girls nodded their head.

Y/n -  Cause the first time I saw them they were normal but from the time I had switched on the TV I became suspicious

Jennie- Suspicious about what?

Y/n - Remember the mafia news
Everyone nodded
In the news it was said that there 7 mafias in our area which is not safe. During the news they were covered with mask and black clothes and even they are looking exactly the same.

Jisoo- Omo you are right!

Y/n - and ( Y/n couldn't complete her sentence as Jin shouted)

All people stopped talk and were looking at them..

Jin bowed towards Jisoo and she bowed back letting him know its ok
There eyes were locked

Jisoo-( In her mind : I can't see his face but his eyes are beautiful his long hairs and sucha great forehead was letting me know he is so handsome)

Jin-( In his mind: I can see her how beautiful she is her shocked face ahh is making me smile her long open hairs and pouty lips oh my I feel like removing my mask and just kissing her and letting her know how much I love her)
{They were having this eye contact all the girls noticed and the boys too but all had the same feeling that let it be and have them that contact if its love its destined to be as all are growing up and they need to start a life. Jisoo broke the contact  but both Jin and Jisoo wanted more of that Jin took his seat and Jisoo turned around to continue talking to the girls}

Lisa-Unnie its ok you can love him even if he is a mafia

All the girls Nodded

Jisoo-(nodded to without realizing All laughed and soon she realized what she did and hud her face with her palms)
How can you all be so sure they are maifas

All were taken aback

Y/n- Whatever even I want a mafia husband ahh

Hwasa - Yaa goo and ask that Jungkook named boy if he is ready

Y/n - Hmm.... Huh? Unnieee!!
(All laughed)

Jungkook- Y/N !!! (Her heartbeat rose like anything she turned around and saw Jungkook and when Jungkook saw Y/n his heartbeat was raising)
When will our coffee and biscuit come..

Y/n - I am so sorry Jungkook its coming right away
(Jungkook nodded but he felt happy that Y/n called him by his name)

Jessi-Oh so he is our brother in law

Y/n- Yeah yeah whatever lets work first.

All - Yes Y/n ,Jisoo, Jennie and Rose carried the Espressos and Hwasa, Lisa and Jessi carried all the biscuits

Rose gave the cup to Suga andJimin there hands touched which made them feel something unusal and Rose smiled at Jimin which melted him.
(Rose enjoyed that touch even though it lasted for some sec)

Jennie handed the cup to JHOPE and Taehyung but some coffee fell on his shirt so Jennie bent down took a tissue and cleaned it till that Jennie got nervous as Taehyung was staring her from his deep black eyes which made Jennie feel butterflies.

Jisoo handed the cup to Rm and Jin and she was excited to do it Jin was just lookimg at her lips and they way she was smiling Jisoo was mesmerized by his eyes

Jessi was gave biscuits to Jin, V but Suga caught his attention as from the very start he was looking at her Jessi who is never nervous got nervous

Lisa gave Jimin and JHOPE biscuits but JHOPE dropped a biscuit and they both bent down to pick it up but their eyes got locked

Hwasa gave the biscuit to Jungkook and RM but RM was staring at her Hwasa smiled at him and she was flustered to see him smile back as his smiled too which made her blush.

Y/n handed the cup to Jungkook but it sliped and felt on his pants all were a bit shock how will he react specially the boys know that Jungkook gets angry easily and if he does then you are gone

Y/N - Omo I though you held the cup I am so sorry. I-

Jungkook - It ok calm down.
Boys got shocked unnie were relieved

Y/n-Come get up I will guide towards the washroom..

Jungkook got up and followed her
Y/n - Does it hurt badlu do you want ice shall I help.

Jungkook only thought about double meanings he indeed needed help to come his little on..
Jungkook - How can you help my little one..
Y/N couldn't understand and then realization hit here and her eyes widened and she blushed..
Jungkook - Ahh you are so cute when you blush.

Y/n she blushed harder and ran away Jungkook wiped his pants and came back all the girls were aside boys were done drinking coffee Jungkook was left hungry so Y/n bought him some cookies  and apologized boys left the cafe and Jungkook took a glance of Y/n and blinked at her .

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