Reveal of love and emotions

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We all started deciding what the decor will be all things were a mess boys wanted something dark and Girls wanted something light
Y/n- Yaah Jungkook why do you wamt a dark theme
Jungkook- Then why do you want a light theme..
Y/n- Cause during wedding we should have light themes its show purity.
Jungkook- No need we have done all kind of impure things together so we can go with the dark one
(I blushed)
Y/n- Jungkook stop.
Everyone was fighting
Jessi unnie- Shut up everyone¡¡!!
(Freaking everyone went silent)
Jessi unnie -  Listen to me
(Everyone nodded )
Jessi - ok so lets do this let's do half of thing light and dark.
Hwasa unnie -  I am down for it
Lisa, Rosè,Jennie- Same
Jisoo unnie and I- Yes sure done
(We all looked at boys they looked at each other)
All boys- Fine ok
Jisoo- At last ahh
Y/n- See I am so sure we are going to fight with what colours we 'll choose
So we will take all colours and we will use them differently everywhere.
Taehyung- Yes
Suga- This seems fair enough
Jimim and Hobi oppas-Nodded
Jungkook ,Jin and Rm - ok

After an hour everything was decided
I was sitting alone in the garden and looking at the sky......
Tomorrow I am getting married to someone whom I love a lot and that someone loves me More I wish I had my mom or dad to see this wonderful day and here I broke down even though our dad was not right still he loved all of us equally he was unbiased I have my sisters and some our not my blood related sisters even though they are my best friends but its feel like they are my sisters I miss everyone at least I found so many brothers and a great guy for myself still it hurts that we girls won't anyone who will walk with us holding our hands on aisle ...
Jin-Y/n ?
I calmed down and smiled and turned towards Jin oppa
Y/n-Hmm oppa?
Jin-why were you crying
Jisoo unnie - Y/n at least we both saw you crying.
Jhope-Y/n was crying
Lisa-Huh she was crying
Rosè- Who?
Rm- What?
Hwasa- I heard someone was crying
Jennie- What happened?
Taehyung- Like is everyone ok?
Jessi- Who is it?
Suga- What is happening
Jungkook- What the hell everyone is doing who ,what and why.
I laughed  everyone saw me and started laughing..
Jisoo-Why werw you crying?
Jungkook- Who the hell made her cry?
Lisa- Omo calm down
Y/n- Lol yes
(Everyone sat down with me Jungkook held my hand to I smiled he smiled back)
Jungkook- What happened we all are here listening tell.
Y/n- (I got teary again badly and started crying)
Jungkook (got worried everyone was so confused)
Rm-Did anyone hurt our sister.?Tell y/n
Y/n-Its just that I am the youngest here and I was missing my parents even though my Dad he did wrong but he cared about me I don't know as a person he was good or not but as a dad he was something I could really be happy to ask for and my mom she went with him we all girls stayed together not knowing how ti start what to do and then Jessi unnie guided us all kept us together she took care of us like our mother used to do ,Hwasa unnie she never got angry on us she guided as, Jisoo unnie she never cried and hided her pain she used to cry in her room locked so us young girls don't get worried the only thinkg which she told was I don't want to cry in front of my sisters as I want to make them stop crying and I realized how much she loves us ,Jennie she is just a year younger to me but she was just like my supporter who made me feel motivated, Rosè whenever I couldn't sleep she used ti sing for me so I could sleep properly sometimes I had bad dreams and she used to whisper we are here with you I am here with you so calm down sleep I am awake our warmth made me feel being loved, Lisa my partner in dance we both had some fights but we learnt so much from each other I just can't forget how much of hardships we have went through I just missed my old days when my mom and were alive at some point I feel dad was so wrong fot having a relationship with another woman but when I met my unbiological sisters I felt wow no one is like them ...I missed my dad even more as we girls won't have anyone to walk with us on our aisle.

All the girl were crying I looked at Jisoo unnie and here she goes again not expressing anything still smiling when she is in pain

Y/n-You won't cry na Jisoo unnie
(And Jisoo unnie started crying ahh at last she expressed herself all girls were shocked and got more teary seeing Jisoo unnie cry I hugged her)
Jungkook -  Now stop do you want us to cry?
(All girls nodded their head as no)
Jungkook - and for the aisle thing we all will walk with one of our sisters.
Jhope- Fair enough again
Jimin-When I left my home(everyone is listening to Jimin now) I saw my mom and dad I never had any sibling I really wanted a sister but the chemistry between my mom and dad was just not it when I went to the Keru cafe I definitely found my other half Rosè(Rosè hugged Jimin and he hugged back) but I never thought I could have so many sisters too..
(It made all of us cry even harder all boys felt emotional)
Taehyung- When I left home I found Jimin who was my type in this group we were together when we were 16 and now were are 26 I can't believe I spend 10 years with him .I had a brother and I loved him and I still do but my parents always brought differences among us which made me leave that place my brother cried a lot  whenever I am free I go to meet him but he always cries which breakes my heart. Jennie came in my life she just showed some vibrant views which made me change... (Jennie smiled V looked at her and smiled back)
Jhope- I left my home I joined this group and I soon thought if leaving this too and I remember how Jungkook cried he never wanted me to leave so I didn't go because of him we boys grew together living in a room and now building an own empire soon I found a girl who stared at me and made my heart bounce and I fell in love with her and I am super duper happy as now we both are getting married.. (Lisa cried Jhope held her hand)
Rm- I was the first one leaving my home having no idea where to go soon I met these boys who gave a feeling called home and I started thinking now we have to do something together we worked hard definitely we never thought if becoming something bad but we were happy for peoples welfare soon I met a really nice girl Hwasa whose smile makes me smile whenever I am down(Hwasa smiled while crying Rm smiled back)
Jin- I was clueless when I left home and everyone was clueless I was the oldest so I never showed my pain just like Jisoo when I met these boys I became stronger this gave me a feeling that now I have got responsibilities whenever I was doing a bad job these boys motivated me they got hurt because of me and what not still we are together.. People always asked ne about my love story so I want to reply to my brothers once I went to cafe named keru cafe which was owned by a group of girls who are really strong women(this line made all the girls smile) so we all boys we shouting as Jungkook asked a girl her name her name is Y/n and we were out if our minds as how can sucha a cold boy melt for a girl we tried melting him he showed his cold side and made us freeze (we all laughed) anyways so I shouted and then everyone in thay cafe went silent I bowed to everyone but a girl made a confused face which was so funny and she is heck beautiful I bowed to her she bowed back to me with a smile our eyes were locked from that moment I fell in love and now sje is officially becoming mine (Jisoo blushed and Jin showed a finger hurt and we did ohhoooo)
Suga- I left home and I am being really frank I have tried attempting suicide bit these boys helped me cure my every little problem and Jin hyung we directly get hurt because of you, you are the one who always saved us and took the shot so many times(boys nodded) then a very bold lady came in my life Jessi she is very attractive and classy I fell for her no doubt she is so good she makes ny day bright and (Suga oppa looked at Jessi who was smiling)  Sorry Jessi I have never told you this so I am telling It now I LOVE YOU (Jessi unnie hid her face she was happy and crying we did ohhoo) the time that boy told that he will touch you I thought my world was taken away from me so lets get married and have a wonderful family(Jessi nodded and Hugged Suga he hugged her back we all looked at Jungkook who was almost crying and we let him cry cause this boy hides his pain)
Jungkook- I have already told how my parents were.... I was the youngest out of all the boys and shy too I had trouble opening up that easily because of my girlfriends they made it harder and I have a major resoect that these boys gave me time to open up as RM hyung said he felt a home feeling I did too I didn't know the meaning happiness nor did I ever fell it till the age if 14 the time I met RM hyung I started feeling this word (Jungkook and RM got up together amd hugged each other all boys and girls were crying)  It would be wrong if I said I suffered the most or he or she suffered the most all of us had some kind of suffering which can't be compared..The one thing I want will be to meet my sisters soon and live with them for the rest of my life as I need someone its know that I don't have my brothers or Y/n (we all nodded as we understand what he is trying to say)  I just want them back everyday I pray I can find them back still it feels I can't but I won't give up too..
Jennie- I personally don't want to comment anything as Jungkook said we all have different suffering its difficult y/n represented all of us girls and said how we have been hiding this pain.
Hwasa- I have heard people say boys are more with mothers and girls are more with fathers but I think we lost both and it hurted badly
Lisa- Still we have each other even though we are nit sisters we have that bond people will say we are friends I am fine hearing that we are friends but we have never betrayed each other.
Jisoo unnie- Absolutely we met in sucha short time period we created a great trust and shared stuff so I am happy
Rosè-Absolutely I miss mom
Jessi- Now lets stop and lets get up go back to sleep(Something falls from unnie's pocket)
Y/n-Unnie something fell from your pocket.
Suga-What the heck
(everyone looked at him)
Jin- What happened
(Suga oppa was so shocked)
Suga oppa- Jungkook wasn't this picture you were talking about the only picture you have with your sisters...
Jessi- What do you mean it me ,Lisa ,Hwasa and my lost brother..
Jungkook snatched the picture
Jungkook hugged Jessi and we were confused
Hwasa-What is happening
Jessi-Jungkookie what are you doing dear.
Jungkook hugged Hwasa unnie and Lisa
(Jungkook started panicking and took out the same picture Lisa knew she has found her brother and started crying Jessi couldn't digest the fact Jungkook showed the picture to Lisa and she hugged him Jessi saw the picture and Looked at Jungkook who was looking back at her Jungkook's eyes were popping red )
Jessi- Ju-n-gkook
Jungkook-Yes noona
Lisa-Where were you why did you leave....
Hwasa- Do you want to get hit by me huh?
Jungkook- I was to young and you guys grew up so fast the very first time I saw you and heard amyour stories I became 80% sure that you guys are my sisters but 20% I don't know i wasn't sure.
Hwasa-Come here
Jungkook came running like a baby and hugged Hwasa unnie
All the 4 of them cried.
Y/n-So it means I can't get married to you Jungkook..
(All looked at me so shocked)
Jungkook-What why
Y/n-As you are their brother.
Jisoo-Are you dumb Y/n our father had a relationship with their mom not our mom and had a relationship with someone else so as Lisa, Jessi unnie and Hwasa unnie are like our step sisters which is not valid anymore as our parents are not alive and all of us think we are friends which we all are so you can get married to Jungkook and especially you are generations apart to him and sorry they are not our step sisters too as our father never ever married their mother so we are sisters but at some point we are friends with a great bond we have age gaps, we don't have the same blood, our father didn't marry their mother and our titles are still different my sister so don't you dare break my little brother's heart.
(All the boys wow)
Jin- Beauty with brains
Jisoo-Thanks ♥
Jungkook - Jisoo noona thankfully you saved our relationship.
Jisoo-You guys are meant to be together so why not.
Suga-Amazing Jisoo
Jisoo-Thanks oppa.
Y/n-Nice ..
Rosè-We all had a very intense discussion about our lives and tomorrow we are going to start a new one so lets enjoy our time and lets got to enjoy this unmarried night boys separate and girls separate
Jennie- Yes I wanted this... Yippee
Lisa- Seriously ahh yayayaaya
Jisoo- I am going and getting ready
Jessi unnie-Omo we need to be fast.
Hwasa unnie - Yes I will have to get fresh.
Y/n-I will ware a short dress yippeee
(All boys in sync - and who gave you the permission to go
All girls in sync-if you dont lets us go we are not talking to you hmm
All the boys looked at each other and they thought fine last night let them enjoy)
Jin- Fine I allow Jisoo to go but Jisoo listen baby
Jisoo-Yess thanks a lot say
Jin- Please wherever you go be safe and don't drink much and remember don't be with boys.
(Jisoo came running towards Jin and kissed him he kissed her back)
Jisoo-I love you I promise I will follow and be on time.
Jin-Good girl
(All girls were flustered to see how Jin is good at allowing we gave a glance at our partner who we already looking at us)
Rm- Fine Hwasa stay safe and take care of yourself and the girls just like Jin hyung said don't drink, be on time and stay safe.
Hwasa-yayaya thanks
(All girls opened their mouth and stared at their partners)
Suga- Jessi
Suga-Jessi please take care of yourself and be on time.
Jessi-Love youu
Suga blushed and nodded.. (we were surprised)
Jhope- Dont you dare dance with any other guy, dont drink and if a boy or any girls offers you a drink dont even have a second thought..
Lisa-Jhopeeeeeee I love youu hoppeee
Jhope-Yaaah I love you too take care
Jimin- Rosè as you were the one who made this fantastic plan without our permission.. (everyone was waiting what will he say) fine I allow you to go  and be with a guy I will show you who I am (we all saw Rosè who gulped and came to Jimin and gave him a hug Jimin hugged back)
Take care of yourself you know how much I love you( She nodded now only  Jennie and I were left)
Taehyung-Jennie be safe whenever I call you please pick up my call dont trust any boy to drop you girls back home and carry a water bottle, your personal belong and some red chilli paper bottle ok.
Jennie-Thankss a lot and I love you
Hwasa-Wow he is so caring.
(I looked at Jungkook who was looking at me and everyone here were looking at us especially Jungkook)
Junngkook-So Y/n I don't allow you to go.
Jessi-Yaa she will be with us.
Everyone said yes
All boys - Let her go
I hung my head low.
I looked at him
Jungkook-I was just joking you can go but as each and every boy said dont drink, be on time, no dancing with a man, saying no to offered drinks whether it will be a boy or a girl and specially Taheyung hyung's point if someone asks you to drop you home you will say no its not only for Y/n are you all listening girls if anyone who so ever tell you come we will drop you home say a clear ,smooth no ok?
All girls - Yes sir
(All girls did something to their partners I went ti Jungkook who was looking at me I mean the whole room was looking at us Jungkook was so tall so I told him to bend down and he did 😂 lol he thought I wanted to say him something I held his face with my palms and gave him an unexpected kiss)
Everyone -  Eww please stop not now
(I broke the kiss)
Y/n - So can't I kiss my future husband.
(Jungkook blushed and everyone noticed that)
All in sync-Someone is blushing Jungkook hugged me.
Jessi-Ahh my brother is so cute.
Suga-Yes just like you
All in sync-Ohhhoooooo
Jessi unnie blushed
Jessi I got remembered if something
All asked what?
Jessi unnis-You guys will also go party or party at home if you guys call any woman or dirty the house then I will kill u yaa Suga are u listening
Suga - Ye-s-s Ma'am
Hwasa unnie- Rm baby remember even I will not leave you if you do something wrong which boils me.
Rm-Omo ok..
Jisoo-Jin I believe in you but please don't do something which will break my heart.
Jin-I promise I won't
Y/n-How do you have this trust ?I meam wow!
Jimin - Exactly
Jin-We have this trust cause we love each other.
(all - amazing)
Rosè-Jimin don't forget your limits if you go with 1 girls I can go with 10 boys so know who I am you know your things to you.
Jimin- Wow Chill baby I wont stay im my limits.
Rosè-What what did u say?
Jimin-Sorry I mean I will be in my limits.
Rosè-Good you better be.
Jennie-Taehyung ahh you have heard mostly that I can also do something wrong so don't break my heart but please take care of yourself ok?
Taehyung-I love you baby thanks a lot
(all together in sync aww)
Lisa-Jhope u r my hope so dont let it be low.. Take care ok?
Jhope-Aww baby promise I wont break your trust and u take care.
(Jungkook looked at me and everyone did)
Y/n-Jungkook as rightly stated by all the girls please don't you dare do something wrong and don't drink while driving ok baby?  It's not only for Jungkook but for my oppas too please dont drink while driving you never know what will happen so try nit ti drink at least one person don't drink and Jungkook while drinking please don't fight with anyone ok?and don't be with a girl.
Jungkook- Ahh it feels so good to hear caring words from your wife ahh I will take care of myself, I wont drink while driving, keep everyone safe and definitely I will not be with a girl nor a boy either 😂
Y/n-Yes good boy 😂
So girls lets get ready?
Jungkook-I am coming to.
Y/n-But i want to get ready time is running ..
Jungkook-Mine too and please we have seen each other naked so no problem
Y/n - You are sucha bad boy 😂 lol poor baby I will get ready in the washroom as I am so sure if i get ready in front of you, you won't ever lemme go.
(All smiled seeing us)
Jungkook(pouted )-fine
Y/n-Aww cutie..

Fine byeee
All girls in sync-bye we have ti get ready fast.
All boys in sync - They all are so cute and they laugh
All girls laughed hearing all of em.

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