part 13

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"Drugs" y/n says sarcastically.

"Haha very funny " tommy says.

"Yes I know I'm funny why thank you bitch boy " y/n replys.

"Tommy do you love y/n?" Tubbo asks

"Tubbo!" Y/n yells in the phone.

"Yea she's my best friend " tommy says.

Tommy's pov

"Yea she's my best friend" I say

"Y/n do you love tommy?" Tubbo asks    y/n

"It's hard to love someone when you don't believe in love" y/n says, my heart sank a bit,I keep forgetting she doesn't believe in love  I thought she really liked me I thought to myself.

Y/n's pov

"It's hard to love someone when you don't believe in love" I lie, he loves me as a friend nothing more but he makes me do happy and I want to admit it but I can't I thought

Third person

Tommy left the call

"Tom" she say "sorry tubbs I'm going to go make sure Tommy's okay"

Y/n left the call


Bitch boy

30 minutes later

I love you tommy as a friend obviously and I'm glad your my friend and if you upset I don't say I love you back on call I'm truly sorry I just didn't really know. :) <3

Tommy is calling you

"Hi" y/n says into the phone

"You love me as a friend?"tommy asks "say it I want to hear it"

Y/n giggles a bit " I love you as a friend tommy"

"Hm I love you as a friend too y/n" tommy says "now get your stupid ass on minecraft "

Y/n laughs and grabs her laptop loading onto minecraft "Okay idiot "

After an hour or so y/n suddenly blurts out "we should go on a minecraft platonic date for one of your streams it will be fun we can make a restaurant and watch the minecraft sunset it would be awesome "

Tommy thought about it for a moment "yea I'm down women " he said laughing.

"Y/n dinner!" Her mum yells upstairs.

"Sorry tommy I have to go" y/n says leaving the game.

"Yea yea bye y/n/n(your nickname)" y/n left the call going downstairs sitting at the table.

After eating she went back upstairs and called tommy around a week later y/n was at Tommy's laying in between his legs as she reads and he plays with her hair and scrolls on his phone.

"Y/n?" He put his phone down taking her book putting it down.

"Tommy it was getting to the god part!" She groans as tommy grabs her waist turning her around to face him, y/n couldn't help but smile at him.

" your a dumbass you know" he said wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Tommy what are you doing " she said placing her head on his chest.

"Hugging you what do you think"tommy mutters quietly as y/n wraps her arms around his neck.

"Were aways going to be friends  no matter what happens right?"tommy asks

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