6. A new light on things.

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"H-how long have you been standing there?" I asked as Sebastian stood with his hands folded at the door.

"Long enough to hear that you were pregnant." He stated.

"I'll leave you two alone." Doctor Daisy said before leaving the room.

I stared down at the ground as silence overtook the room.

"Well congratulations. I'm sure you must be proud." Sebastian smiled entering the room to sit next to me on the bed.

"Your not mad at me?"

"Well maybe a little angry that you kept it away from me but nevertheless I'm not angry that your pregnant even though I might have wished it to be mine." He teased.

"Did we somehow sleep together and I unconsciously got you pregnant?" He joked making me smile at him.

"I just found out a few days ago so if it makes you feel any better your one of the first ones to know." I told him.

"And does Kristrin know?" Sebastian questioned.

"No I haven't told him just yet." I sighed.

"So I guess that's one of the reasons why you've looked deep in thought ever since Kristrin showed up today." He exclaimed.

"Was it that obvious?"

"Maybe not to everyone else but obviously to me. I know when something is wrong with you Anna....." Sebastian stopped as if in thought.

"I just remembered I tried to give you Papaya and pineapple for lunch. Anna if you weren't educated enough I could've ki....." I patted him on the shoulder laughing.

"I did some research and actually found out that there actually myths." I had nothing to worry about.

And now that I think about it I should've eaten those fruits instead of turning it down.

"Could I ask why you haven't yet told him or anyone else?"

"The others apart from my parents accidentally knows." I clarified.

"And I don't know, I guess I have a fear of my baby and I going through what I've actually gone through with Kristrin for the past four years. A fear of him not being ready and rejecting my child. A fear of everyone thinking I'm not capable of caring for my child, a terrible fear of upsetting or disappointing my parents. What if they judge me wrongfully? It's just a surprise for me and I'm wondering if I'll actually be a good mother."

Instead of showing me some sort of empathy Sebastian only laughed leaving me to glare at him. What a way of showing support.

I got up to leave when he stopped me.

"I'm sorry for laughing but Anna you could not have been so wrong." Sebastian stated.

"How so?"

"You really think that your arrogant headed boyfriend would do such a thing to his child or you, again?" He raised an eyebrow.

"He might've done what he did in the past but he's not that stupid to let it happen again and going as far as saying he'd reject his child is basically stating he does not love you and this whole god damn world who knows the two of you, can see that he loves you."

"You think so?"

"Even though I shouldn't be saying this but he does love you Anna. I'm one hundred percent sure he'll love this baby too. The man practically threw away the chance of making maybe millions monthly and has even managed to land a leadership role here. He's basically screaming I love you without actually saying it." Sebastian exclaimed.

"I think it's your fear of what happened to you in the past plus your hormones getting in the way of you thinking straight. He's doing what he's doing now to get back close to you because he thinks your no longer apart of his life. Hearing you say your pregnant for him I assume would be a dream come true."

Hearing Sebastian's words I was feeling a lot better. I even wanted to cry. Why had I been thinking so negative?

"In light of him getting someone else pregnant, that was the most stupidest thing he could've done and now he's lost someone perfect."

"If you weren't everything anyone could ever want to have then I wouldn't have tried dating you for the past four years. I was starting to wonder if I was ugly that you wouldn't even bat your eyelashes in my direction." Sebastian teased making me laugh once again.

Sebastian had admitted during one of our movie nights to have taken this job because he wanted to be close to me.

"Your a woman going through what ninety-nine percent of other women go through and that's pregnancy. It's something normal so no one should judge you for that, your a grown woman. Your twenty two and not a child plus a very capable one at that."

I sat comfortably listening to Sebastian talk without speaking. Maybe I just needed to be open about my feelings.

"This hospital is practically yours when your parents decides to retire. Your financially stable not to mention your child's father." He whistled at the end.

"Your parents has always been proud of you. You have your bachelor's degree and soon a master's degree. You'll be following there own path I'm sure and this grandchild will be a topping on the cake for them, they might feel a little mixed because of Kristrin seeing what he did to thier daughter."

Well technically he hadn't done anything to me but ignore me.

"I guess I needed someone to spread a little light on things and I guess I was just afraid."

"So do you plan on telling him?"

"Yes, now I just need to prepare to tell him." I smiled.

"Thank you for spreading some light on things for me."

Then again I could've simple asked Steff or the others but I just didn't want to seem like the friend who would always cut into thier happy times with my constant negativity.

"Your welcome. I hope nothing changes between us after just making Kristrin look like a well polished shoes to you."

"No not at all."

Indeed it did actually change for the better in Kristrin's favor.

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