7. The plan.

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Kristrin parents and also my child's grandparent's surprisingly knocked on my door.

I smiled thinking of the grandparents part.

They immediately both hugged me but due to the surprise I began wondering if they knew I was pregnant.

"You've made us one of the happiest parents around!" Lisa shrieked smiling from ear to ear.

"So you've found out?"

"Of course we did!" Mr. Slovac voiced.

"And how did you find out?" I sighed seeing that my secret was out.

If I ever find out that one of those....

"Kristrin did." Lisa spoke leaving me flabbergasted.

"What?!" I shrieked.

He knows??!

"Yes he told us that after you made him see what's important to him he's decided to give us a chance and we have you to thank for that."

I crinkled my nose in confusion.

"Kristrin came to us a few days ago advising us that he was going to take over the business part time and that he forgave us and it's all because of you for showing him the way."


"Yes he did." Mr. Slovac said looking skeptically at me.

"You seem a little relieved. Were we talking about the same conversation?" He asked.

"Of course, I was just a little taken back that's all. I'm really happy he's finally come to his senses and see's what's important for him." I smiled.

"I hope we hadn't disturbed you?"

"I was actually waiting on a few others to come over but I do have a few minutes to spare."

"So um, how are you and Kristrin doing? I saw that you removed all of your photos on social media. We didn't want to offend Kristrin by asking since we had just mended our relationship."

Lisa's husband got up to take a call and I used that as my opportunity to get the question I wanted to be answered.

"I wouldn't say that we have an intimate relationship at the moment but we do communicate now and then. I'd like to ask you a quick question."

"Ok what is it? Anything for you."

"How did you get pregnant with Kristrin, I mean how did it happen? What I mean to say is, could you tell me the story of how you got pregnant?"

"Why do you ask such a question Anna?" Lisa asked surprised.

"Oh nothing, I've heard Steff mention it a few times but I just wanted to know from your part if he's lying." I lied.

"Well what did my nephew say exactly?" Lisa question.

Why can't she just tell me? My god!

"Nevermind." I sighed in defeat.

"Well at the time when I got pregnant with Kristrin his father and I had been going through a rough time before that. We had split............. more like I had left him but then I came to realize that I was pregnant."

"I also later came to find out he had impregnated me in order for me to remain connected with him. Then after that we had worked things out and now here we are."

By the time Kristrin's mother was done speaking she was already smiling widely.

But I had my mouth agape realizing what Steff said was true. What if Kristrin realized our relationship had been falling apart and did it to stop me from leaving?

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