5. Guilt.

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"I just saw Kristrin leaving. What was he doing here Anna?" Sebastian sat next to me as I tried desperately to eat my lunch.

Kristrin's words were still ringing in my ears and not to mention the fact that he would now be assistant director of operations.

He was going to be here working alongside me. I was having his baby. It almost seemed as if everything was falling in place once again.

"Anna?" Sebastian snapped his fingers before my face to get my attention.


"I was saying that I just Kristrin here. Do you know why he's here?" He questioned.

"Well since your going to find out anyway..."

I stopped hearing my own words. Wasn't Sebastian going to find out anyway that I was pregnant with Kristrin's baby as well? Why not let him know now?

Then again I had a few months before I started showing since I was only two weeks pregnant.

"He's now our assistant director of operations here at Horizon." I told him.

"What?! Well that explains why he walked away from football." Sebastian spoke.

"Do you think it has something to do with wining you back? Or getting close to you?" Sebastian asked gripping my hand in his.

Remembering what Kristrin said I quickly withdrew my hand from his while giving him a small smile.

"What does it matter?" I bit into my food not wanting to go any further.

"Doesn't his parents have like an empire or something? Why not take over his own family company instead?"

"Well his parents and my parents are business partners and he did say he had everything covered. So I guess he'll be running both." I shrugged deep in thought.

"You spoke with him?" He perked up hearing my response.

"Yes w-we did." I stuttered out.

Why was I stuttering?


"Can we change the topic?" I don't know why but it just felt uncomfortable talking to Sebastian about Kristrin behind his back now.

You didn't have a problem kissing Sebastian behind his back either!

"Anna are you ok?" Sebastian asked concerned.

"Yes I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Why was I now suddenly feeling like I had betrayed Kristrin?!

Was it my hormones doing me this? Why did I want to cry? Gosh my fucking emotions are just all over the freaking place!

"Here eat this. It's fruits, I bought it for you."

Looking down at the container with fruits it had banana, papaya, pineapple, peach and apple.

Just the right amount of fruits to make me have a miscarriage.

"I have to go." I told him making sure to leave before he could ask why.

By the rest of the day I kept avoiding physical contact with Sebastian. I know I shouldn't be but I just couldn't help it.

My emotions were scattered like dust in the wind and I was finding myself being very emotional these days.

I was also starting to wonder if my hormones were actually causing all of it or my baby was trying to tell me something or maybe it had to do with Kristrin's visit and news today.

I wondered how I wasn't having any morning sickness but read that about twenty to thirty percent of pregnant woman doesn't have morning sicknesses.

Another thing I read was that when women are pregnant, they find themselves more drawn to the father's. I wondered if that was the reason I was feeling more drawn to Kristrin and less comfortable being around Sebastian.

By the end of the day I was more than tired and train wrecked, ready to go home but there was something I needed to get done first.

"I'll walk you to your car?" Sebastian offered startled me in the process.

"No that's fine. I have a few things that I need to take care of first before I leave."

"I could help you with whatever...."

"It's fine. It'll only be a few minutes."

"Are we good for tonight then?"

"No not tonight but maybe some other night."

I watched as Sebastian contemplated for awhile before coming over to plant a kiss on my lips until I suddenly felt the need to spew.

I quickly pecked his lips as he looked at me weirdly before saying goodbye and left.

I headed over to Doctor Daisy's office where I took off my coat and sat on the bed waiting for her until she came.

"Well Anna, let's begin."

I laid silently in bed while she ran a few test on me to make sure my baby was ok. Only daisy knew I was pregnant and I had begged her not to say anything until I felt it was time to.

"So Anna, based on the preliminary results your baby is healthy Anna but there's something I see of concern." Doctor daily told me.

"What is it?" I questioned very anxious to know my baby was alright.

"Particularly in the first trimester of pregnancy, the placenta increases the production of corticotrophin-releasing hormone."

"Yes I do know, Corticotrophin-releasing hormone is thought to regulate the duration of pregnancy and fetal maturation."

"Right, so I'm actually seeing a lot of Corticotrophin-releasing hormone. 90% of women with high cortisol levels miscarried in the first three weeks of pregnancy."

"Now, I'm not trying to freak you out or anything but high levels of stress that continue for a period of long time may cause health problems, like high blood pressure. During pregnancy, stress can increase the chances of having a premature baby born before thirty-seven weeks of pregnancy or a low-birthweight baby weighing less than five pounds, eight ounces."

"So whatever your stressing about I suggest you to ease up a bit or stop. I would recommend a few things for you to try and reduce your stress levels but I'm sure you already do know that." Doctor Daily spoke.

"Thank you so much. I hadn't released that I was stressing all along." How could I have been this careless?!

"Not a problem Anna. I also want you to come back in the next four days to do a follow up around this said time. I also want you to call me if there's anything's you might need help with."

"Thank you." I smiled happy to know that he or she was healthy and would be fine.

"Of course, anytime. I would give you a few suggestions and tips but I'm sure you already know all of that." She joked.

"Now that I'm pregnant I basically know all there is to know. I browsed the entire internet and have been reading books about caring for baby's." I laughed.

"You will be a great mother Anna. It shows how much you really love this baby." I smiled hearing her words.

"I hope so too and thanks again for keeping this a secret."

"Anything for you Anna. You'll be my boss one day so it's not like I can object." Doctor Daily continued to joke.

I got up off the bed about to leave when my eyes widened at Sebastian standing at the door staring at me.


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