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warning: longer chapter 

5am September 3rd. 

I groan as I turn my phone off to stop the alarm. 

Right, routine. 

I was getting used to sleeping in till 8, but to be training will be good for the bones. 

Besides myself, Tony and Steve are the only other ones who wake up at 5. Everyone knows not to talk to me unless your giving me a coffee with ice and creamer who only Wanda has learned to perfect other than myself. 

I'm not a morning person. At all.

I shove my air pods that Tony got me 2 years ago for my birthday in my right ear, which is more dominant with hearing. I turn on my morning playlist and walk to my wardrobe. I go to the middle left drawer and take out my favorite workout set. I grab a sweater and throw it over my arm knowing how cold it gets in the morning. Since Tony apparently likes to freeze his morning mood off. 

I grab my water and phone that was sitting on the my nightstand and grab my tennis shoes from the end of my bed. 

Locking my door has become a habit since someone decided to tell Nat I was hiding a boy in my closet. It was Sam and everyone knows it. As I'm locking my door Steve passes me in the hallway with our usual 'good morning' nods. It means a lot since he knows my mood.

I take the elevator downstairs, not ready to start my workout quite yet. Stepping out, Steve is standing at the fridge filling up his water as he reaches his arm to me and I hand him mine to fill it up as well. I smile at him to replace a 'thanks'. 

I sit down on the extremely long, extremely comfortable, extremely expensive couch Tony was also sitting on reading the paper, the one old school thing he does. 

I nod at him as I'm tying my shoes and he reciprocates it back. 

Turning around back to the kitchen, James was standing at the espresso machine looking angry. It must've been new 'cause that wasn't there 3 weeks ago. He starts hitting it softly but obviously pissed. I grab my usual coffee cup that Steve very kindly filled up with ice and a mug for James and walk over to him and the machine. 

He doesn't move so I look up at him. 

"Move" is the only word I dare to say to him, trying to not start my morning off pissed. 

He huffs and gives up. He moves to the side just enough for me to fit between the counter and him. As much as he's managed to piss me off in just one day, I can't deny that he is still aggravatingly attractive, and having his body pressed to mine, isn't helping my already rosy face. 

I manage to work the espresso machine, all the years of being a barista did pay off I guess. I put the mug under one of the slots and let the machine do it's thing. I walk away trying to regain my usual face color and pour my pre-made coffee into my cup and grab my caramel flavored creamer and pour it in for 3 seconds. The perfect amount. I grab a straw out of the drawer right under me and mix up all my ingredients. I grab my lid and place it on the cup as my favorite song pops up. I hold my grin until James passes me with his coffee following me to the elevator. Great. 

"Thanks." he mutters as he hits the 5th floor. I pray that his room happens to be on the 5th floor. It's too early for social interaction. 

"Mhm." I let slip out my throat. Please. stop. speaking. to. me. 

" What floor?" he grumbles. I can tell he doesn't usually talk to anyone this early either so I find some peace somehow. 

"Same as yours." I say with my morning voice. Not attractive at all but I'm not trying to be attractive. I'm not Beatrice

"Gym?" he asks louder so I can hear his morning voice.      

"Yup, you?" I ask containing my thoughts to my workout and not the man standing a foot next to me. Tony is a millionaire and couldn't bother getting a larger elevator. 

"Yup." He says as the door finally opens. That had to be the longest ride ever. 

I walk out first trying my hardest to speed up this conversation and get on with my workout. 


About and hour into my workout, my music stops. 

"No no no no" I quietly chant putting down the 85 lbs weight I was squatting to run to my phone to find out it died. I forgot to charge my phone last night. Shit

"Damn it." I say as I put the air pod back in its case and go back to my weight. I continue to bench it for about 5 minutes until I'm rudely interrupted. 

"Do you have a charger? My phone just died." James asks me while sweating profusely. I don't know why but it send a shock in my knees, almost having me weak. Almost.

"Sorry Barnes, mine just died too." I reply finally putting the weight down. I hate sharing the gym. Especially with a man I highly dislike. 

"Damn it." he mutters as he just stand there. Doesn't even move his weight to his other foot.

After 2 minutes, I sigh and roll my eyes to his presence still being there messing with his phone. 

"Can I help you with something Barnes?" I sigh out of my mouth, obviously wanting to be left alone.

Before he can reply Wanda comes in. Thank God.

"Bea, Can you make breakfast earlier from now on? Ever since Peter got accepted he's been waking up at 6:30." She asks in her soft voice.

"Yea, go get in the shower. I'll get it started" I reply. Walking over to my stuff on the floor I continue with James. 

"Sorry Barnes,  gotta go make breakfast." 

"Will you make me some?" he asks.

"I'll see." and walk to the stair well. 

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