Girls Day

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1 month later 

"Steve, this isn't a debate. I'm not doing it. That's final." I tell him. Recently he has been on his big brother ass.

"Beatrice Tucker." Steve grits out of his stupidly perfect teeth. 

"No. I'm not doing it." 

"You have to Bea.." Nat shyly speaks. 

Tony walks around the table, sitting in Peters empty seat. He is at school right now. "Beatrice, Wanda is with Cap and Nat is already placed undercover. Your our only option. Unless one of these lovely gents will-" 

"NO!" they all say in unison. 

"Great. Now that everyone is given a role, go do what you gotta do." Tony finishes the 2 hour meeting. Normally they are 20 minutes but I'm a very persistent woman. I sit up, ready to take my heat out on the nearest punching bag. Or Barnes. He's been getting on my last nerve. 

"Bea?" Steve calls behind me, still sitting at the conference room table reviewing the file. 

"What" I ask turning around and leaning my weight to my right leg, hoping my attitude itself chokes him. 

"I didn't vote for you to do it. But I was over ruled. I'm sorry. I voted for Yelena but everyone else  wanted to keep their throats. " 

Jesus. He makes it impossible to be mad at.

"Your fine. You owe me one though" I add with a wink then leave. I can hear the distant chuckles and walk into the main room. 

I grab Nat and I's salad that I had left on the kitchen counter and take it up to her room.

I've been avoiding the elevator. It only brings memories of Bucky up and he's been pissing me off. 

4 weeks ago, Tony made me teach Barnes how to use the new espresso machine cause he broke the other new one. 

That next day, he spilled his coffee all over my textbook. 

3 weeks ago, he took my camera and him and Sam flooded my SIM card. Lets just say they've been begging for a knife to their throat. 

"Open the door Nat, my hands are full." 

She walks to the door with her usual smile but this time you can tell she's been planning something. 

"Were going shopping. With Yelena and Wands." 

"No. No Nat, last time you took me shopping, you spent 500 dollars on a single pair of shoes. And you had bought other shit!" Nat loved using Tony's card but she told him that I convinced her to go shopping. Tony only believes her because I've taken his card once. It was for a dress for one of his unnecessary parties. 

"No we need to get new dresses. Wanda is just coming for fun and Yelena is gonna keep us from buying the whole store." She grabs her salad and plops back on her bed. I sigh, knowing this won't end well. 

Safe to say, Yelena did an awful job. 

"Tony is gonna kill you Nat." I say in the drivers seat. 

"Actually.." She whispers as her combat boots are propped up on the dash. No matter how many times I tell her she will die, she just wants to show off her legs. I mean I can't blame her, I would too. 

"NO! YOU BLAMED ME LAST TIME!" I can feel the anger bubbling. 

"Beatrice, calm down. Tony likes you more than any of us combined." Yelena says while stuffing her face with fries. 

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