The Lonely Stoner

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Hello again my lovely followers. here is another fanfic I wrote of the beautiful Sammy Kiszka.

my bestie sent me the idea, and I hope you all enjoy ;)


It was a cold fall morning, the leaves falling from the now sick trees, the colors fading into beautiful shades of red, orange, brown, and yellow. You loved the fall season, nothing like cuddling up in a warm blanket a cup of coffee in hand as you watched your favorite TV show on the TV.  Unfortunately for you, this is the day you start college. The excitement drained from you weeks after getting accepted. It wasn't the fact you were scared, god no. But the over all anxiety of meeting new people and trying to fit in made your bones week and your stomach turn. "Y/N darling it's time to get ready!" your mom shouted with excitement from your kitchen. "Mom, it's only eight in the morning settle down!" you shouted back sighing sinking deeper into the couch. the thought of moving and getting ready was to much. your heart was racing like the beat of a drum in a metal song. your palms were starting to sweat as you clutched the TV remote in your right hand. "Y/N get up! lets go, now!" your mom shouted as her footsteps echoed into the living room form the kitchen. you looked up seeing her with a bagel in her hand and a knife in the other. "Hunny, I know your scared. trust me I was too, but you will get through it" her voice was calm, soothing. you grunted shifting the blankets off your legs and standing up. "Fine, I'll go get ready" you mumbled walking past your mom and straight down the hall to your room. Standing in front of your extremely  large mirror in the middle of your bedroom, you eyed yourself up and down. you put on a black leather skirt, with a white Motley Crue t shirt tucked in. and a pair of white vans, nothing to fancy. But you really loved your outfit. the way it fit your curves perfectly. made you feel more confident. "y

, are you ready?" your mother mumbled from behind your bedroom door. "Yes mama" you smiled to yourself quickly rushing to grab your belongings before turning off your light and leaving. 

9am ***** 

You sat quietly in the car, your mom silent as she drove. you could see her knuckles turning a shade of white as she gripped the steering wheel, her breathing rapid, her eyes narrowed onto the road. "Mama, are you okay?" your voice was almost a whisper scared that whatever your mom was thinking about, wasn't about you. "I'm fine darling, just sad." your mom whimpered as her bottom lip started to shake. your eyes widened. "Why?" you asked resting your phone on your lap, full attention towards your mom. she sighed "Because, you are growing up and I'm afraid you won't like college" her voice was soft, you could hear the cracks in her tone as she held her tears in with such strength. "mama, I will be okay" you smiled grabbing onto her free hand and squeezing it tightly. your mom smiled, squeezing your hand back in return before letting your hand go to place it on the steering wheel. you watched out the window, the cars driving by, the clouds gloomy and rain trickling down covering everything in its path. "Mom, I'm scared about college" you admitted as you continued to focus your attention of the outside world. "I know hun, but you will get through it" you could hear the blinker go off as your mom turned a sharp corner, as you looked out the window you saw the college. the building looked old. the dark brown color fading into an almost light shade of brown. the windows looked dark and tinted, the walkway cracked and weeds grew from the little wholes around side walk. you groaned, falling back into the seat. "What's wrong darling?" your mom asked as she turned off the car, reaching behind her seat to grab her purse before focusing all attention on you. "I'm just nervous, and scared and I don't know if I will even enjoy this mom I don't wanna be -" your mom cut you off with a simple hand up to your face, "y/n I know this seems like a lot to process, and I know you're scared. But i sure as hell didn't spend all this money for you to want too drop out." her voice was stern, yet soft. your mom knew you didn't like it when people raised your their voice, even if it wasn't towards you. smiling, you grabbed your bag from the car floor, opening the door before stepping out. "I promise mom, I won't drop out." you smiled before closing the car door and waving to your mom as she drove away. "Okay, deep breathes" you told yourself as you started walking to the main entrance of the college. as you walked, looking around noticing all the groupies, the prep girls were staring daggers into your soul. you glared at them, turning your attention to the other groups, the hippies, the nerds, the skids, and oh. you stopped in your tracks. over in the courtyard, three boys sat in the grass. two of them with guitars in their hands strumming away and the one boy singing along. his voice was amazing. their talent was pure. "Hey, can you move?" a voice appeared from behind you, "Shit! I'm sorry!" you jumped quickly shuffling to the side making room for the person behind you. "Thanks" you looked up from the pavement. your heart skipped a beat. the guy was beautiful, your eyes locked noticing the colors in the guys eyes,  a milk chocolate brown with a hint of caramel. his hair flowed down to his shoulders, a light brown glow. He smiled at you, making your cheeks glow red as he slowly made his way passed you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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