Like mother like daughter *YB+NR

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Thanks for the request @-LUVYELENA

So Y/N is 13/15 and moody

Pronouns: They/them

Warnings: none I can think of rn there may be some idk

When I was 2 Draykov took me away from my family and killed them, infront of me. I was sent to the red room and was trained in many skills. I was the youngest there because after Natalia Romanova tried to kill him he had to go hidden, and I was the last to be taken. I was going to be the first of my age group but now there was no age group. After 3 years of private training I was taken and put in the group with all the rest of the widows.  I had only ever met were Melina who trained me for those three years. She was nice and kind but she had to be strict when Draykov was around. He was really mean and would hit me all the time. By the time I was 5 I was obedient and never disobeyed. I was very talented and I would be used to get information due to me being easy to sneak in and out of small spaces.

I met mama when I was 5 and she protected me ever since. If Dreykov wanted to take me she would yell and scream at him to stop and let me be. She was my real mama. Later when Natasha came back and helped 'end' the red room I got to meet Mama's sister, Mama and Papa. She never called them that though it was Melina and Alexei. I remembered her from the red room and I was scared at first, then I warmed up to her. And now Dreykov is back for the second time.

I woke up in a funk. Mama and I were staying with Aunt Nat, Melina, and Alexei for something around the red room. That old crusty dude is immortal I think. I went into the shared bathroom and locked the doors to take a shower. After it I opened mine and started to do my hair. Like the rest of this weird family, I put my hair in fancy braids and then I heard knocking on the door and the handle trying to open. I quickly unlocked the door to see my mama looking furious.

"You look like shit." I say blankly still doing my hair. She did not like that, "Why in the fucking world was that door locked." She asked, her Russian accent making that ten times scarier. "Um I was showering the forgot. Jesus you don't have to be so mad." I grump making her more angry. "What? I was just asking" She said defensively. "Ugh, why do you always defend yourself like you've done nothing wrong it's stupid and shows just how much you actually care about me." I argue. "If I don't 'actually care about you' then would I have saved you from the red room and protected you from Draykov. No I wouldn't have. I would've let him tear you apart like he did me, so stop your grumping and get over it. You think you've lived through Hel well you've been through less then half of what I've been through, so be grateful." "You don't know what I've been through. And you're not even my real mom." I yell running out of the bathroom and slamming the door.

After a while I hear a knock, "Go away." I tell who I think is Mama. "I don't think you really mean what you said to your Mama did you?" Aunt Nat asked. "Oh it's you. well tell Mama that I really don't want to talk with her." She snickered, "Oh no I am not a mediator for your fight, if you want to say something to her, then you can say it to her face." She sat down next to me on my bed. "So did you really mean she's not your Mama or were you just mad." "What difference does it make, I said what said" She sighed, "You know your Mama is really sad that you said that. She was heart broken." I was still mad so I rolled my eyes "She always plays the victim. Its getting old." Nat scooped me up and started to walk with me in her arms to where I assume Mama was.

"Go apologize to her. She loves you and you love her. A mama isn't just about blood it is also about experiences." She gently set me down. I looked up at Mama and she smiled sadly. Damn she was crying. But I wasn't one to just easily say sorry. I feel like I am losing a battle when I say sorry first. I don't like that I do it but i do. And so does Mama so it would be kinda be a long time.

We stared at each other for a while waiting for someone to talk. "Oh my god. Just apologize. It's just a misunderstanding." Nat scolded. I huffed and looked at her. She looked at me with a pleading look. I look down and mumble, "Sorry Mama." Then I feel a warm embrace. Mama just hugged me until she and I sat down on the couch and cuddled apologizing to each other a whole lot.

It's a shorty like me, but a lot will be coming. Keep the requests coming. Enjoy and be safe.

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