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I'm not sure if someone requested something like this or not but I think someone did so if you did this is for you. Also based on personal experiences everyone is different

Pronouns: they them
Age: 15-17
Warnings: none

So Tony and Bruce being nerds decided to experiment on yours truly me. I have ADHD and they wanted to see what about my body was different on vs off meds so for the past 2 weeks I have been taking my meds like normal and wearing a ring that basically tells every about me, medically speaking, I think I forgot my meds the day they showed me the ring. All I really know is to wear it. Today marks the first of 2 weeks without meds and they called me out of school since they had a feeling no work would get done and told everyone in the compound to be alert cause me off meds is a little high maintenance.

I walk into the kitchen that morning and smell the beautiful smell of coffee. I pour myself a cup when Steve swiftly takes it out of my hand, "yeah you do not need this, this will create our lives a living hell." He states as Bucky and Sam both nod in agreement. " Um I am not that bad off meds." I defend myself. "Y/n I even with me as your lawyer we would still lose with that argument" Matt said walking out of the room. "When did you get here?" I asked but he didn't hear me.

I decide to go walk over and grab a bowl of cereal and some chips for later in the day but as I walk into the pantry I forget what I went in there for. "Wait, hold on, I went in here for something, right? Wait wha-" I ask genuinely confused. "Oh dear god it's hasn't even been 1 hour yet." Sam rubbed his temple as he walked out of the room. "NOO BUT WHY DID I WALK IN HERE?" I was so confused. Steve giggled a bit.

"Oh Y/nnn." Tony sang as he walked in. "How's the day so far." He smirked knowing the answer. "I am so genuinely confused, I've walked over to the fridge and pantry 4 times but I keep forgetting what I need." I whine leaning my head on his chest. "We'll have you had breakfast yet?" Then it hit me, breakfast. "THATS IT!" I cheer as I go to the fridge but stop when I see something outside that caught my attention. I look and see a dear. "Aww a dear that cute."

"So Y/n what'd you have for breakfast today." Nat asked me. Her and some of the other girls were hanging out. They were like aunt figures to me which is nice to have many of. Especially badass women. "Um, maybe it was, no, it was, hold on, wait, Um, maybe, no, I have zero clue" I say laughing. "WAIT, no never mind" she smiled some, "Hey J, what did Y/n have for breakfast?" "It's seems like Y/n walked around the kitchen aimlessly for about 40 minutes before leaving but never ate anything." He told us. "But I swear I ate something." I ask confused. "You did have an apple last night and 4 am." "Oh yeahhhh I did."

At lunch everyone was sitting around the table talking and my leg was bouncing up and down like a kid on a trampoline. I get a hand on my knee and saw Strange's hand slowly calm my leg so it would stop shaking the table. I burst out laughing some how finding it funny. With many glances and small laughs everyone's attention was now on me. "Sorry, It's just it's so funny." I wheeze, "I'm so boring on my meds this is way to fun. I love it, I'm gonna do this the rest of my short life." I fall of the chair laughing for the dumbest reason ever. "NO" everyone yelled about the no meds thing though.

"Y/n name one thing I just said in this meeting." Fury asked me. "Um, name one thing I just said in this meeting? I don't know o haven't had my meds yet today." "Then take them." He states. "No can do pirate, we are conducting a study" Tony interfered. "Fine but after please give her some notes so she doesn't die. I choke on my water as he said that. "I could die?" I ask innocently.

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