Chapter 6

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Okay, perhaps I might've overpacked for this mission. I grumbled to myself as I hauled my gym bag from the floor as I made my way to the front entrance of the mansion. For simply being filled with clothes and basic hygiene necessities it sure was quite heavy and a hassle t0 carry, I whined thinking about how I had to carry this shit for a few weeks.

A part of me was excited to do this mission alone, while the other part of me wasn't. For some unknown reason I hated being alone, the thought or feeling of it always ripped me apart. Just thinking about it bummed me out, so I began to think of the positive sides of doing this mission! Like I can finally go to the public without having someone telling me what to do, or buy things that Masky or hoodie would usually tell me not to! Oh! And especially watching the TV! It's been so long since I have watched anything on the television and I miss it so much. I'll try to see if I can afford a random hotel room to watch it. Who knew that being a wanted serial killer prevented you from catching up with the news. Regardless, I simply hoped that this whole trip will go by smoothly and that it all went my way without any issues.

I finally made it to the front door and hauled it open, the creaks echoing throughout the entire mansion. Mentally checking if I had everything I needed, I stepped out of the door and was about to be on my way until someone called for me.

"Toby wait up!"

I turned my head, seeing that it was clockwork that called me.

I readjusted my bag on my shoulder and slightly took a few steps towards her, "Hey, here-PoP-to say your goodbyes?" I said snickering behind my mask.

She just scoffed at my response, shaking her head lightly, "No you dork, why would I need to say goodbye if I'm going to be seeing you again soon?"

"Eh who knows, perhaps-GONE-I won't be back in a few weeks or *pop* months, or yearssss" I said, exaggerating the last word. Clockwork just huffed.

"Welllll, I was here for one thing though." She went to go reach in the back pocket of her pants, soon handing me a load of cash, "Here, take it. You'll need it more than me."

I gaped at her, looking back and forth between her and the money she had in her hands. Finally getting back to my senses I immediately shook my head rapidly, "OH DE-WOOP-ar GOD NO! Clock thank you *pop* so much but that's your money! I won't nee-POP-d it at all! Your being to gen-"

"Please shut up toby and just take the money, even if this is mine I honestly don't have use for it at all. I can't go out in public and buy things as normal people do! And besides, you're gonna be gone for a while and I know you'll see a lot of things that you want to buy so just take it alright." She said, looking at me with genuine and sincere eyes. I looked back at them, trying to think of an excuse to not take her money but was unable to. Giving out a sigh I reluctantly took the money from her hands and stashed them in one of the little pockets in my bag.

"Thank you Clock, I mean it."

Her smile widens, "Alright then Tic, you better get going while the sun is still out."

I took a glance behind me, seeing that the sun is slowly fully coming out, "Yeah, yeah. I'll catch you *pop* later then Clock, bye!"

I turned around and began walking away from the broken-down mansion, waving goodbye at clockwork. She waved back.

"Bring me a souvenir alright!"

I smiled, "Yeah! No problem!"


Oh dear fuck, this journey is already starting to hurt my feet. I wish I had much more comfortable shoes but alas I am stuck with these broken-down converse that I stole from a kid. Perhaps I should start wearing those boots that I see masky wear, they seem cool and much more comfortable than my shoes. I jumped over some roots and holes on the forest floor, letting the sounds of my footsteps be my background noise as I thought to myself. I looked over to my left and made sure that I was still following the road, being a few feet away from it since I didn't want any cars passing by thinking I needed a ride. Which I did need, but I don't want to create a mess on the first day of this mission.

The sun was now fully out, blaring down on me. I would've probably melted away already if it wasn't for the forest providing me shade. These types of days always stuck out to me, and I don't know why. The hot sun rays pinning you down, the slight fresh wind that brushed your cheek, and the shade from the branches of the trees that are older than time is something that stuck out to me. I guess it was the feeling that attracted me, like nostalgia.

I winced

I don't want to think back on my past, especially not now.


Stopping my train of thought I stopped moving. I stood completely still, limiting my breathing as I strained my ears to hear what caused that noise. Could someone be following me? Or something. I tighten my grip on my bag, continuing walking as I made myself more aware of my surroundings. Unlocking the latch of my holster and rubbing the sharp edges of the hatchet, waiting patiently for whatever made that noise slip up.

I could sense it behind me, I could sense its eyes on me, watching my every move. I bit my lip as I looked in front of me, seeing if there's a possible way I can confront it without notifying it that I know of its whereabouts. That's when I got an idea.

I started to quicken my pace a little, making sure that I kept looking straight. I looked at the corner of my eyes, trying to catch anything that moves. I quickly went toward a rock that I noticed from afar, hoping that whatever was following me can make it lose my trail. I felt my fingers twitch with excitement and nervousness, despite not wanting any interruptions on the first day of this trip doesn't mean I didn't welcome it. Getting closer to the huge rock I felt my heart beat a little faster, I furrowed my brows as I immediately dashed at the rock. Using it as a cover.

I pressed my back against the surface of the rock, being very careful to where I placed my feet as to not make any noise. That's when I heard it, a scratching type of noise against the bark. I slowly moved against the rock, finding that it had a dent on its lower half. I slowly crouched down and hid underneath it, waiting for whatever was following me to try to find me.

And I heard it again, I heard a crunchy thud on top of the big rock, hearing the scraping of the rock surface underneath what I believe afoot. I held my breath in, waiting for it to either lose interest in me or to make itself known. By now I had my hatchets out, free from their holsters and ready to swing.

That's when I saw its hand, it had it gripping over the small roof of this dent. As if trying to stop itself from sliding down the rock. Its claws were sharp and in leather gloves all worn out. I slowly brought myself forward, separating my back from the rock I slowly prepared myself to grab whoever this was. Letting go of one hatchet I brought my hand close to the leathered hand, mentally counting I immediately reached up and grabbed a sleeve, and yanked it down with full force.

Its nails scraped the rock and fell on their back with a loud thud, I immediately stood up and went on top of them. I raised my hatchet and was ready to swing until the leathered clawed hands raised over their head, a way to show that they mean no harm.

I was huffing, confused. That is when I noticed who they were.


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