Chapter 3

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A sigh escaped his lips as he entered the creaky, ominous mansion. He closed the creaky door behind him as he gave a look around his surroundings. Everything was sorta broken down, dusty and practically not safe for use. But it was the only thing that kept him and many others safe from danger.

Usually, Toby would expect for at least one thing to go up to him and greet him or at least acknowledge him. But everything in this god forsaken mansion was quite and dead in a way. Toby took a deep breath as he tried to control the slight twitches he gave off. He planted a smile on his face and attempted to ooze off energy and "annoyance" as some may call it.


Multiple groans can be heard echoing throughout the mansion. Toby gave out a booming laugh at their response of his presence as he frolicked towards where the majority would be.

"Aaaawww, now do- TICK TOCK- don't be sad! I'm here after all!" he giggled as he walked, "I'm ju- PuMKiN!-just so happyyyy to see you lot!"

"Well were not."

Toby turned around to see his favorite buddies in the world, "Masky! Hoodie!! Oh how- P-Opped - I miss you guys! It was so boring being on a mission alone and-Brains gO SPlat- having no one to pester on about! though I will say that killing by myself was sorta fun since it was me who got all the kills! Oh you gotta believe me- PoPPed- when I tell you how fun it was to see that man just die! Especially wh-"

"Yeah, Yeah, yeah we get it you killed someone! Wow!! Let's ignore the fact that everyone here has fucking murdered someone, so stop ranting and listen up." Said masky as he flicked Toby forehead to stop him from talking. Toby pouted as his mood went down, being interrupted and put down on his excitement was really a buzzkill. However Toby did not want to let this emotion show to his coworker so he still showed off his "happy" mood.

"We will be given our next mission in 3 weeks, a group of girls. Slender wants us to terrorize them to the brink of insanity and to pretty much lead them to kill one an another. No it won't choose a new proxy, these girls are most likely only for amusement." Stated Masky as he flipped through the pages on his clipboard, "Before we actually attempted to terrorize, Slender has given you, hoodie, the task of pretty much stalking them so we can have information on them."

Hoodie silently nodded at Masky, "Alrighty then, in two days you will be going to their location, I would be giving you a map on where they live."

"So what - PoP- do I do?"

Masky mentally groaned as he faced the 'annoyance', "WE will wait for masky to return with the info and then we will all go and terrorize the living shit out of those girls"

Toby whined as his response, "Whaaaaaattt, why can't we just - IdIOt- go already and "scare" em! Why do we have to wait for long!?"

Masky rolled his eyes, "Well I don't know if you forgot but you recently came back from a mission and you have to be tired. Now go clean up cause you fucking stink."

"Oh yeah I forgot!" Toby immediately stood up straight and began walking towards his room in excitement.

That was until he remembered about that weird person from today came into his mind.

"Now where is slender, Toby came back so why is it taking long"

Toby turned to look at masky, "They are most likely talking to that weird fella I encountered today!"

Masky and hoodie just stared at him, waiting for more details.

"Yeah! I met that fella as I was walking back here and I kinda help him kill some - PeEP- people. I'm pretty sure the dude is a cannibal... hey do you think slender will try to make him live with us?"

Masky scoffed, "If what you say is true then pray for that fella cause he wont be escaping this place"

Toby was soon left alone as masky and hoodie walked away from him, leaving him to his thoughts. Toby huffed as he continued on going to his room.

The good thing about this broken down mansion is that it provided shelter for many people like Toby. The bad thing however is that since it was broken down and abandoned is that the water system didn't work so if they wanted to go take a shower they will have to go to the lake.

And that's what Toby is going to. He didn't really mind going to the lake and bathe there. He liked being out in the open.

Finally reaching his destination Toby set down his fresh set of clothes and his hatchets down on a rock and started undressing. The fresh air of the forest breezed against his now exposed skin.

He giggled to himself as he, now naked, went into the water and let himself get submerged. The water was cold but really refreshing as Toby went to get his rag and start scrubbing his body.


Immediately Toby stopped as he now stared at the forest. Glaring as he tried to make out what made that noise.

He quietly grabbed his hatchets as he slowly raised himself up onto the surface. He was contemplating wether he should wrap his towel around his lower body or just fight whatever that is naked.

However this took a while since he didn't hear the person behind him as they placed a hand on his shoulder.

Toby immediate reaction was to grab that hand and force the person to be later on the floor. An yelp came out of the person as Toby had the person pinned underneath him.

Hatchet raised above him, ready to swing down to the person face until-

"Hey! Your that cannibal from earlier!"

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