Chapter 1

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The leaves crunched underneath my feet as I step on them, making sure getting the dry ones since they easily break. I swing my hatchet around trying to entertain myself as I take the long way home. I never like going to missions by myself. They were boring, and they took so long. If masky or hoodie were with me it would've been fast.

But it wasn't.

I gave out a tired sigh as my muscles ached, craving for the slightest chance of rest. All of the sudden my head began to feel dizzy, and my eyes began to feel droopy. My eyes landed on this spot where a tree covered me and there was allot of dead leaves. Low key it looked very comfortable.

"Eh, I don't think a little bit of rest could hurt." I said eagerly, as I walked towards the spot and sat down, placing my hatchets next to me. I laid down as a big wave of exhaustion hit me, and I blacked out.
That is until I heard the gunshots.

I quickly bolted up, as the sounds of bullets rang in my ears. My hands quickly grabbed my hatchets as I looked around to see where the sound was coming from.


I turned to my right, finally locating the source of the sounds as all of the sudden adrenaline washed over me. I bolted, running. I was excited, really excited. Finally something fun will happen.

That's when all of the sudden I bumped into someone. I fell backwards hitting my head pretty hard.

"Fuck!" I growled as rubbed my head, I looked at the person that I bumped into expecting to see a scared expression. But instead I saw a dark blue mask, with big black circles something was spilling out of them, something black and wet. I have no idea what I just bumped into but, I could tell it was in a rush since their breathing was ragged and harsh.


It turned its head to the source of the sound and quickly stood up and bolted. I just stood there in the ground, shocked. I soon felt other people presence, as I stood up and grabbed my hatchets that I dropped. I hid behind a tree, trying to calm down my breathing.

Soon I could hear their footsteps crunching on the dead leaves. Their ragged breathing as if they were running. Possibly chasing whatever I just bumped into.

"I think we lost it John!"

"No shit Jose! Of course we did! And it better stay fucking away from us!" Said the person who I believe was called John. Their voices getting louder as they got closer to me. I moved a little bit hoping they won't see me. I knew that these two had guns so attacking them out of nowhere won't be smart. I should wait till they pass me so I could attack them from behind.

So I slowly and quietly moved away from them, making sure I was behind them.

"Next time we catch that fucker try to lay it's fuckin hands on my people I will fuckin kill it!"

I twirled my weapon in my hands, excitement slowly flooding through my veins.

"I know John, but what do you think that thing is?"

A wicked smile slowly formed in my face as my head just thought of blood.

"I don't know and I don't care. All I know it's a fuckin demon and that it should di-AAUGHH!"

Blood spilled out of John back as the thing that I bumped into stabbed it. Soon he quickly drove the little 'knife' up John back to its shoulder. 'Jose' quickly put his gun in position and fired at the thing I bumped into. That is until I swing my hatchet up with full force, slicing his hands off clean. His screams of agony filled my ears as I swing my other hatchet and rammed it into his face. A big smile was on my face but covered by my mask. I looked into 'Jose' eyes as they looked dead, but his face had his mouth wide open as his body fell to the floor.

I looked towards the thing to see him on top of 'john' stabbing him at his heart over and over again. He was dead. 'John' was dead, so I was confused on why this thing was still continuing on stabbing him.

"Hey, ummm buddy?"

He stopped doing what he was doing and slightly looked up at me.

"Ya know he's dead right?"

It fully looked up at me and just stood there. I felt slightly awkward as we both were just staring at each other. That is until it finally got off of ' John' and sat down. It sat down next to the corpse spas it took deep breaths. That's when I noticed that I as well needed to rest since the adrenaline that use to flow through my body disappeared. I sat down as well, satisfaction was what I felt.

I looked over at them and asked "The names Toby!"

It turned its head at me, and sighed. He took out a small notepad and a pencil as he wrote in it. They soon flipped it so I can see what it wrote

'My name is eyeless jack'
Words: 893

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