Author's Note & Copyright

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Dear readers,

I began to write this very short, six-chapter story with a simple goal of completing it in two weeks. I didn't quite respect the deadline, but that headstart was all I needed.

That said, this entire story is very much an experimental project. I wasn't aiming for perfection (that would have significantly ramped up the number of days to completion, and the word count).

I didn't even do any research.

I focused on emotion, that's it. Many words, much of the backstory, remains unmentioned. Everything that happens in the story is a product of the past.

Yet the plot is simple. So simple I imagined everything in my head, start to finish. Certainly not all the details made it from my mind to the screen.

If something doesn't add up, do me a favor and mention it in the comments, and I'll fix it up.

Unless it's meant to be left unsaid...


©2022 Sunnystartia

All Rights Reserved

Dead Give Away is COPYRIGHTED which includes all chapters, characters, and associated content. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced/transmitted/copied/plagiarized etc. in any matter or form without the written permission of the author.

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