2 | Leo

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The young, yet strong and masculine face for Wills' seventeen years is revealed under concrete layers of pain and regret in Dylan's mind.

"Don't think about what you would do. Think about what Leo would do."

The voice is so clear, so raw, Dylan forces his spine from lifting him up to scan the room. Leo, the victim of Will's countless missing people plots.

"How on earth should I know what he would do? I can't do telepathy, Will. I'm not good at the imagination thing either."

"Just try to put yourself in his shoes. If he really wanted to disappear, he would make sure he left no traces behind. If he knew someone would look for him, he would leave hints. Now remember, Leo is in a dangerous situation. He would be killed if he was found crossing the border."

"That's unrealistic. I know you like mystery and stuff, but this is suppose to be reality—right?"

Will sighes heavily. "We're in Syria, Dill. That is reality." 

"Hold up, hold up." Dylan props himself up on his elbows, tosses a pillow aside. "I thought you said Seattle, and since when do you get killed for crossing a border? You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not. You learned about it a while back. Now, in his family's perspective, what happened?"

"Okay, okay. I'll try. So... Leo disappears in the night, his family think with his personality, he's gone over the border, or been killed trying."

"Now what did Leo really do? Imagine you're him."

Dylan flops unto his back and stares at the ceiling. He suppresses a laugh when he sees the concern in his brothers' eyes. "He obviously doesnt want to die, he still needs revenge."

"That's his motive." Will nods.

"Motive...motive...wait, does he want revenge now? That's stupid. He'd die before he could save his family."

"People are often blinded by emotions, remember. Especially anger, or love."

"So, revenge. Or what—holy indignation? He sneaks into the enemies camp right?" Dylan squints his eyes, mulls over possibilities. "He'd definitely take a weapon, of course. A gunshot would be heard and everything is over, and also, they couldn't afford one. Or afford to hide it. So he takes a knife, maybe?"

Will nods, smiles his encouragement.

"Wait, how far does he go? Like, does he actually kill people?" He sits up, eyes his brother up and down with uncertainty.

Will sighs. "Most natural senario, he'd get a poor swing or two, maybe a light stab, before he's shot. But he's well prepared. Anger gives him the adrenaline boost, and he goes for the kill. The neck."

"Stop!" Dylan chokes. "You trying to give me nightmares? I said leave to the killing part out."

"Just this time. In real life, these sort of stories usually end this way. Be a man."

"And Leo?"

Will shakes his head. "Dead. Stab to the heart. Guard used Leo's knife."

"Alright, alright. I think I get the picture now." Dylan scowls at Will. "Now, are you going back to write your bloody story and leave me to my games?"

Will laughs. "You're such a kid."

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