wtf why you jump?

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*Peter pov*
I finished up helping out a lost Dominican lady, who needed directions.
She brought me a churro, how nice, and I ate it on a rooftop, waiting for something else to happen.
Suddenly, I felt the tingle. Someone needed help.
It felt reasonably close, and I saw why.
From where I was sitting, I saw someone standing on the rooftop a couple of buildings behind me.
Oh god, they were going to...
Yup they jumped.
I swung into action and dove after them.
Luckily, I reached them before they got anywhere near the ground.
I grabbed hold of them and landed gracefully on my feet. I recognised the face immediately.
"Oh my god. Y/n. What were you doing? You could have died! Wait. No. You weren't trying to, were you?"
"No" she laughed. Why tf was she laughing?
"I just wanted to see you" she said.
"Right. Why did you jump?"
"Like I said. I wanted to see you. And you said not unless I was in danger."
"Oh my god. That was really, really stupid."
"It worked, didn't it?"
"I guess. What was so important that you wanted to talk about?" I put her down on the pavement.
"Can we go somewhere private? It could take a minute."
Now I was more concerned than before. She had been acting suspiciously all day and now this. What was going on? I used webs to pull us both up to the rooftop she had just jumped off.
"What is it?" I asked.
She started taking her shirt off, and I looked away.
"Hey. Woah. What are you doing?"
"Just" she started "look. Please."
"Oh shit. What happened?" I looked at her, shirtless and covered in bruises.
"That doesn't matter. I need your opinion on something."
"If it doesn't matter, why are you showing me?"
She put her shirt back on and sat against the wall.
"I said I needed your opinion on something. Come sit."
I sat next to her.
"Ok. I have two friends right. And one of them doesn't like the other. He wants me to choose between him and the other guy. But I don't know who to choose. The thing is, if I tell the other guy, he will want me to pick him. So that's two people that want me to pick the one guy."
She made herself comfortable on my chest. This story was sounding a bit familiar. And I was pretty sure I knew who the two guys were.
"Who do you want to pick?" I asked, not sure if I was ready to hear the answer.
"I don't know. It would be right to pick the guy that they both want me to pick though, right?"
"I guess." That's not really the answer I wanted to hear.
"But I'm not sure I can live without the other guy though. Oh, but then I'd be a hypocrite."
"Why?" I knew why.
"Because he was in the same situation before. And he chose me. And I got mad. Now I'm in the same situation, I wish I could go back."
Anger started to build up inside of me. This wasn't fair. Of course I wanted her to pick me. But she was with Brad now, and it was only fair that she be happy with him like how she wanted me to stay with Liz. Of course I couldn't say any of this aloud, as she didn't know who I really was.
It was so infuriating.
Then I remembered...
"Hang on. How do the bruises come into all of this?"
"Well... the guy I should be picking. He..."
She nodded.
I was fully prepared to go and find Brad right then. Just so I could beat his ass.
"That's why I needed to talk to you. You have no connection to either person, so you can't run interference. And you better not. If my friends ever found out, I'm worried what he would do to me. Or, knowing them, what they would do to him."
I think she'd forgotten that I'm technically an avenger too, so I did know the friends she was probably talking about, but I didn't remind her.
I didn't really know what to say at this point, without revealing who I was.
I considered telling her, but that would only make things worse.
"Y/n. The bruises. They're not okay. You shouldn't be with someone that does that to you."
"I know. I can take it, though. And apart from that, which happens rarely, he's... a decent guy."
Is she serious rn?
"Someone that hits their girlfriend. There is no way they are even close to decent."
"I wish I knew who you were. You are definitely more than decent."
If only she knew. I pulled my mask up a fraction and kissed the top of her head.
She pulled herself onto my lap and kissed me.
I needed to stop doing this. Stop kissing her. I wish I could just kiss her as me. As Peter Parker.
"Y/n... I'm so sorry... I have to... to go..." I said between kisses. "I don't know what you are going to decide. But please do the right thing. With your friend."
"I'll try."
I stood up and pulled her up behind me.
"Oh and don't ever do that again." I reminded her.
"Do what?" She asked.
"Jump off a building to find me. I won't always be around to catch you." I yelled as I jumped backwards off the building. 

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