you realise (finally)

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*y/n pov*
You don't know why it had taken you so long to realise.
Last night, after your talk with Spider-Man, everything became clearer.

-the night before-
"Finally. She's home" you heard Bucky say to Steve as you walked in the door. "Where have you been?"
"Doesn't matter. Sup capsicle" you started munching on some biscuits that were left out on the table.
"Hi kid" Steve said. "Seriously, what were you doing this late?"
"Just seeing a friend."
"Which friend?" Bucky asked.
"Oh. Uh. Peter" you responded.
Steve smirked at you.
"Nothing. Just wondering when you two are going to make it official" Steve remarked.
Bucky rolled his eyes.
"What are you talking about? We're just friends."
"Hmm. I don't know. You guys would make a cute couple."
You joined Bucky in rolling your eyes at Steve.
"Night capsicle. Night Buck" you walked off to your room.
You got to your room and started thinking about your conversation with Spider-Man earlier.
Brad started running through your head.
You thought about the memories you had with him.
The amount of times Brad had bought you flowers, called you gorgeous, taken you out for dinner, hit you.
Then Peter came to mind. You thought about the flower necklace he bought you, which you had felt guilty about not wearing since the day you took it off. You thought about all the times you had danced together, and that night at the club when you got close. You thought about every time you hugged, too many to count, when he had kissed you on the top of your head and you had kissed his cheek.
You remembered how much you had hated it when you fought before, how you never wanted to do that again, how much you wanted to stay with him forever.
Oh shit.
You liked Peter.
More than friends.
You lay back on your bed.
All the things he had said started running through your head.
It occurred to you now how many times you had felt something. Felt close to him.
The time you saw him half naked in an alley before you were properly friends.
The time you sat with him at the top of the Avengers Tower after the party.
The time you were with him on the hill that one night.
The time at the club.
So many times, opportunities, you had missed them all.
You had to do something.
You could never miss the opportunity again.
Then, you thought...
Did Peter even like you back?

You ran right over to Peter the next day at school, determined not to leave his side that day.
You had decided you wanted to end things with Brad, and then you wanted to talk to Spider-Man to tell him your plan to tell Peter how you felt.
You kind of needed to break things off with him too, as you wanted to fully commit.
You spent the whole day with Peter, avoiding Brad entirely. At the end of the day, you asked Peter to wait for you as you went to speak to Brad.
"Look. I don't care. We're done" you told him.
"No..." Brad started.
"Yes. We are. You're a bitch and I hate you. So we are finished" you began walking out, when you swung around for one last punch at his face. You were pretty sure you had broken his nose, and you left feeling absolutely great.
You went and found Peter again.
"Hey Pete. Let's go to Delmar's."
"Ok" he kissed the top of your head.
You felt butterflies in your stomach, and you kissed him on the cheek.
You walked together to your favourite bodega. Mr. Delmar smiled as he saw you enter holding hands.
You left minutes later, eating your sandwiches, and Peter walked you home.
"I feel like we haven't done this in a while. I'm glad we're doing this again" Peter said, mouth half full.
You laughed and wiped some crumbs from around his mouth.
"Let's go back to doing this every week" he smiled.
"I'd like that."
You stood on the doorstep, looking into each other's eyes.
God, his were so perfect.
Now was the time. Do it, you thought, kiss him!
You put your hands around his neck, but the door next to you opened, and you pulled Peter into a hug.
"Jeez. What are you doing out here?" Bucky appeared in the doorway. "Don't tell me Steve was right?"
"What? No of course not!" You snapped.
"Wait. What did Steve say?" Peter asked.
"Nothing. Bye Pete" you kissed him on the cheek and ran through the door.
"Bye y/n" he replied.
"Ok. Well I'm going to the tower. See you later sis. Don't go out again tonight." Bucky said after Peter had gone.
"I wont" you lied, but you had to go see Spider-Man.
You were so anxious to speak to him, you couldn't wait for him to just swing by.
When you were sure Bucky was long gone, you left the apartment and headed for where you had spoken to Spider-Man the night before.
You climbed the fire escape and ran to the edge of the roof.
You knew you shouldn't, Spider-Man had specifically said not to.
You paused to see if you could see him from where you were standing, but there was no sign of him.
So you needed to bring him to you.
You climbed up onto the edge, and without hesitation, you jumped.

*Peter pov*
Y/n had clearly made a decision since last night, as she was hanging with us today, and completely ignoring Brad.
At the end of the day, she asked me to wait while she spoke to him, and I don't know what it was about, but she came over looking very pleased.
We walked to Mr. Delmar's then back to hers. We were standing on the doorstep and all I could think was god, I want to kiss her. I wanted to so badly.
My heart started pacing when she put her arms around my neck, leaning in closer, but then she just hugged me.
I left soon after, heading to the tower.
I felt my tingle, but it was so faint and I wasn't in my suit, I was sure I could let it go by. It was probably just a cat in a tree or something. The small things always are.
When I got to the tower, I saw Tony in the kitchen.
"Hey kid" he said when he saw me.
"Hey Mr. Stark. Can I have one?" I gestured towards the sandwich he was making.
"Sure" he passed me the bread and a knife, then walked out eating the one he had made.
I started to make one, when I felt my tingle get stronger.
I'm sure it could wait until I finished...
Nope. It was really strong now.
I sighed and grabbed my suit and went over to the elevator.
The doors opened and Bucky walked out.
"Why are you there whenever a door opens today?" He barely finished before I had run into the elevator and the doors had started to close.
I changed into my suit as it descended to the bottom floor.
I ran out the tower doors and heard a scream in the distance. I started swinging through the neighbourhood.
The tingle was near to burning my skin, now.
I got to where the scream had come from, but I couldn't see the problem.
I approached a woman on the sidewalk.
"Excuse me. Do you know who screamed?" I asked her.
"Sorry. That was me" she replied.
"Are you OK? Why did you scream?"
"I'm fine. Before you got here, I saw someone jump off that roof up there. And then, before I knew it, she was just laying there" she pointed to a spot on the floor, where I saw a dark stain on the ground.
"Where are they now?"
"Oh. Some guys in a black van agreed to take her to the hospital" she said "but now that I say that out loud..."
One thought was running through my mind.
"Miss. What did the person look like? The one who jumped?"
"Her eyes were closed and there was blood on her forehead. She had y/h/c hair. And she was wearing a green top with some jeans. I don't remember much else."
Oh crap.
"Ok. Ok thank you" I swung off in the direction of   y/n's apartment.
I looked through her window, but no one was in there.
'Please be in the other room. Please be in the other room.' I thought as I forced her window open and crawled inside.
"Y/n" I called out. I searched every room.
But she wasn't here.
"Damn it!"
I swung back out the window and back towards the tower.

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