Lover's Havoc

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Izzy blushed, not knowing,"Well, I wanted to know what was down there, and I guess it was you!" She smiled awkwardly. He smiled back. "Well, you should go to sleep, it's getting late!" He points to the window with the flower-covered curtains. "Oh, right! Well, you should get back in the basement. I will talk to you tomorrow!" Izzy said with excitement. He saw the sparkles in Izzy's eyes. He was starting to blush, because he knew she cared from him. He left the room and went to the basement. He opened the door and walked down the stairs. She was so happy! She might have been embarrassed. "Why do I feel like this? Why is my face so red?" She said while looking into the mirror. Down in the basement, Devon was feeling the same way. "What is this feeling? Why is my stomach feeling weird?" They didn't see it yet, but they will. This might be the start of how they fell in love, and how Izzy saved the town.

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