Chapter 3

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A little warning, there is a tad bit of violence and some more throughout the story, the rate will also eventually go up. I'm still debating if I want to be descriptive with certain parts. But! I promise there are lots of cute moments.

Self-harm warning as well


The first few weeks were a bit hazardous with the slightly rocky relationship between Marco and Bill. With Will having to stay for long periods with his Dipper and not revealing what he was doing while away, Bill had a hard time managing Marco. Since Bill was, literal and personality-wise, a very boisterous person; Always on the wild and dangerous side, always wanting things to be rambunctious and fun-Chaotic. Always wanting control of everything and to be feared by all. However, Marco was technically just born anew and was honestly frightened and curious like a small kitten, exploring everything and flinching away from it in a heartbeat. Sometimes he freezes up as though he's trying to imitate a statue. He usually shies away from Bill whenever he is to close or enters the room. He didn't seem to mind as much anyway.

His fluffy brown and slightly green ears were always drooping. He eventually learned how to control the weight of all three sets horns on his head, and managed to have one set at a time. Right now, only set of horns that curl down towards his shoulders are manifested. It was accidental at the time when he learned how to do this. Right before Will left, he was resting across Will's lap as he was petting his head when all of a sudden, Bill popped into existence right in front of them yelling, "Hey mutt!"

Marco jumped at least 3 feet into the air and right off Will's lap onto the floor. Bill busted out in a fit of laughter while Will lifted Marco up off of the ground, cradling and frantically asking if he was hurt. Don't know where he got the strength from, but that was beside the point, Will is a mystery for another time.

Bill stopped laughing when he heard Will ceased his worried filled rambling. Questionably looking his way, he paused and looked at Marco, who was just as stunned as they were. Instead of having three sets of horns, two disappeared, and the only thing that was left was the pair of the low set. Will was sputtering congratulations and cooing encouragement along with how proud he was. Promising Bills' long and painful demise if he ever did that again to him. Quite the fond memory.

Currently, Marco was on the third floor of a balcony, looking out at the hellish dimension that the Ciphers created mixed into the mindscape. It seemed like an endless sea of blood-red, but further off a keen eye could see the red ending and a sea of foggy white beginning. There were trees within the boundary of the red sky, dark and eerie. But it was home to some of the creatures that followed under Bill and the other Ciphers. There were also some structures not too far from the mansion that is inhabited by more minions. Marco has not yet met any of said minions; Will won't let him, not yet at least. Bill rolled his eyes at that and said he was overreacting since none of them weren't allowed to touch their pet unless given permission.

Anywho, Marco, who was lazily slumped over the cream stoned banister pushing into his chest, was blankly looking at everything over yonder. He couldn't help but wonder why his master Will hasn't returned yet. Letting out a loud whine at this thought, his eyes began to water.

"I miss...master," He softly said to nothing, feeling the weird burning sensation in his eye Marco let out another pitiful whine.

"What do you mean you miss master?" said a voice from behind him. Startled, Marco nearly jumped over the ledge but somehow ended up hitting his forehead. Reeling back and holding his forehead down on the ground yowling out in pain, Macro screamed out in his mind for master Will to make the pain go away, it was weird, and it hurt. It had rattled his brain quite a bit, giving him a weird numb type of feeling racing through is mind. He heard a low deep growl and felt the air shift coldly around him. Opening up his eye, he came face to face to a frightening sight that caused him to freeze up in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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