The Training Starts!

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I walked beside Haruka and Lord Death. I was so excited. We were going to be training! Better yet, I'm training with Soul!!! I was tingling, and I looked next to me at Haruka but she was just looking around stiff but when I saw here eyes I could tell she was as excited as I was, they were bright and crackling with happiness.

"Here we are Mei and Haruka. This is the room where you will be training." Lord Death told us opening a door to a large room, we steeped inside and I looked around.

"Woa its huge!" I said

"I can see that" Haruka said we waited and looked around. I was wondering where Soul and Maka could be and just one look at the expression on Haruka's face told me she was thinking the same thing.

"Soul and Maka will meet you here soon." Lord Death told us suddenly as if he read our minds! it was creepy. While we wait ill tell you two where you will be staying. since you will be training with Soul and Maka,i made arangments for you guys to live across from them. Ok here are your keys." he handed me and Haruka a set of our own keys. This will be awesome we will be training and living by Soul and Maka!! Suddenly the doors open and Soul and Maka walk through the doors. Haruka and I exchanged glances and we both squealed.

"These are the girls you will be training. Maka this is Haruka you will train her to become a good meister and Soul this is Mei you will train her to become a good weapon. I choose you to because Mei is also a scythe so I figured it would be easier for you guys to get along with training then with any of the others

"ok I'll do my best!" Maka said and smiled at Haruka. Haruka smiled back and walked toward her and they started talking.

"Hey." Soul said looking at me. Oh my god he was talking to me. I spazed out in my head

"hey!" I said back and steeped toward him

"So your a scythe to huh?" he said

"yea I am." I was nervous. I was talking to the awesome Soul Eater Evens for crying out loud!! I was hoping I didn't sound stupid or weak.

"you ready to start training Haruka?" I herd Maka ask

"yea but let me do this one thing.." she ran toward Soul and jumped on his back

"AH!" he was caught by surprise and I couldn't stop laughing.

"OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH ITS SOULLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Haruka was starting to fangirl

"umm heh hey Haruka, mind getting off my back..." Soul asked the crazed Haruka

"of course!" Haruka slid off his back and patted his head then ran back to Maka who was also laughing. Maka led Haruka to another room where they would train undisturbed. I was alone in a huge empty room with Soul I started to freak out, this was like a dream.

"Ok so first off you know how to change to your weapon form easily like this?" he turned to his scythe form then he changed back very easily.

"Yes. I can do that." I did the same thing.

"Cool ok so take you blade out." his arm changed into his scythe blade.

"Okay." I took out my long, very sharp black and grey blade.

"First I will teach you some defensive stuff like if your by yourself." he showed me things and told me to copy and after a while of doing that back and fourth I got the hang of it.

"Cool you got the basics down." he said

"Yea I guess I do!" I smiled and giggled slightly.

"Okay so I'm going to show you some moves that would protect you from a blow." he sheathed his blade his arm normal and he steeped up to me and took my arm that was the blade and examined it closely.

"Cool blade you got." he said

"Thanks I guess its pretty cool." he stopped examining my blade. e moved me into certain positions to and told me what each one would do to protect me. I easily got the hang of that to.

"You seem to learn fast so I'm going to fight you but very gently to test your skills on what I just taught you okay."

"Okay I will try." I said nervously. Soul lunged at me and I dodged it then he ran at me from behind and I didn't have time to turn around so he got me in the back but I got him on the arm. We kept going at it for a while. Then he finally said that I got the basics and I could practice more another day so I just stood there. I told him okay but I didn't know what to do next he leaned against a  wall and I sat next to him.

"Mei I'm done ready to go?" Haruka said as she skipped toward me.

"Okay I guess so." I said then I stood up.

"Bye Maka! See you tomorrow!" Haruka said to Maka before we started walking.

"Bye Soul I'll see you tomorrow!" I said smiling

"Bye Mei and be ready for tomorrow I won't be going as soft." he smiled back and as Haruka and I started walking I could tell I was blushing.

"I wish I could be training with Soul. Your lucky because he is all hot and stuff.." Haruka said quietly.

"Yea its pretty cool working with someone as cute and cool as him. I knew you would be jealous." I said back tauntingly. She hit my head.

"Don't be mean!" she said angrily

"Fine." I almost couldn't stop myself from laughing at her.

"Anyways, do you know where our house is?"

"...No" I told her. We were given keys mot a set of directions so I'm not sure exactly where to go.

"Well Lord Death did say it was right by Soul and Maka's house so lets look for that area." Haruka seemed to be god at finding herself around a new place so I'm lucky to have her instead of anyone else.

"Okay lets do that then." We started walking around looking for the area and then we came across it. We walked up to our door and Haruka used her keys and opened the door. The house was pretty cool. it had the essentials but nice ones. Like a nice flat screen,  a big sofa, nice kitchen, our bedrooms were perfect. I was wondering how our house could be this perfect then I remembered our parents and that answered all my questions.

"Lets get settled in then I'm going to sleep" I told her


"NOT IT" I said "I'm not making the food you are HAHA" I went to my room and unpacked my suitcase that was already there and then I changed into pajamas. Haruka was in the kitchen making what smelt like pasta. Good thing she was cooking because I'm not the best chef. I took out my phone and started to listen to music while I unpacked and fixed my room to my likings. Then I herd a knock on the door so I went to cheek the peep hole.

"HOLY COW HARUKA ITS DEATH THE KID HE IS AT OUR DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!" I spazzed out then calmed down and opened the door.

"Hello. Welcome to Death City." he said calmly and smiled.  I just stared at him in awe and smiled back.

"H-hi I'm Mei and that's Haruka making pasta come in." I motioned for him and Liz and Patty to come in. I remembered my headphones were still in so I stopped the music and took them off.

"Sit down make yourselves comfortable." I tried to be a good host.

"Ok thanks Mei." he said sitting by me.

"Yea thanks." Liz said she put took out a nail file and started to file her nails.

"Woa your house is so cool!" Patty said wide eyed.

"Dinners ready!" Haruka said after setting the table.

"Cool what are we eating!!!" Patty said happy as always.

".....PASTA!!!" Haruka told her.

"Dig in!" I told everyone and we all walked to the table.

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