Chapter 11

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After spending three solid minutes with these people I realized that they will do anything to not go into the lion's den and die of hunger. The majority are opposing the brilliant idea of our minority. The minority, which includes me the first one to give the idea, we have the idea only, we are going to plan on the whole strategy and then execute it. In conclusion, this group started dividing into two, this ain’t survival, this is the war of perspectives or should I say the lack of courage of the timid majorities.

Fun fact: The majority are blaming me for the chaos that’s going on inside their head about the choices they have, the choices of dying while trying to survive or dying waiting for no one. In fact, they should be thanking me for shifting their focus on the major problem of the lack of food and water.

If only I had convinced Xavier by punching him to not share the food, then we wouldn’t be arguing over the ways of dying in this echoing cave.

“She shouldn’t be here. She’s breaking the bond we all made”, a Russian woman snapped at me. She’s the one convincing others that I’m being foolish, and maybe I’m being irrational because if I won’t then I'd famish and I’m not willing to do so.

“I’m sorry for being practical”, I scoffed folding my arms.

This was ought to happen, the differences. Now after this light that fell on me of the unworthy kindness Xavier showed to these people, I realized that I was right. The minority group still proves me wrong but it’s fine, this dispute plunged out the practical ones among the sea of humans.

“Don’t you have any respect for elders?”, the same woman hissed at me.

“Respect for what? For existing longer than me or for-”, before I could complete my sentence Zain interrupted me by tapping a little on my shoulder.

I should’ve let my tongue slip and sent those poisonous words to her ear but I stopped involuntarily. Shuddering my shoulder I asked without words for Zain to move his hands away from my shoulder.

“When they all settle on an agreement, then come get me”, I whispered to Zain and tossed my bag on my shoulder. 

Snatching the map from Xavier's grip, I decided to walk into the darkness again. I decided to continue on the same path I walked on when I entered this cave through the timber tunnel. Nothing changed, I still hold the same impression of these people I held onto before knowing them, except for the little shift of gladness I hold for the courage other minorities are willing to show.

“You must think that the world revolves around you but you ain’t special. You ain’t special to be rude to anyone”, a friend or acquaintance or maybe a pet of that Russian woman barked at me, forcing me to be straightforward, and oh I know that my honesty hurts people but I don’t care.

“I do think that my world revolves around me because my world is about my existence, I’m the main character of my story and I know that the population of the world is 7.9 billion which makes me no special still my world revolves around me and I’m sorry for your intellectuality is so low that you mistook my honesty as my rudeness”, I scoffed and turned my back on them before they give me opportunities to give my honest opinions on them.

I ain’t getting in other arguments and I swear that by night my patience will run out urging me to climb up to that timber tunnel and go solo. If Zain follows then it’s fine too, we can survive in our duo, all we need is food to go on and Riyan for the burner.

I took the sharp turn on my left and met the dark side of the cave. Turning on the torch, I took two steps and Silver ran to tug on my arm. Like last time, this time too Silver followed me, sweeping her arm in my arm she kept quiet. Maybe she too wants to run away from the dispute of opinions.

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