29. Care for HER

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"I don't know what but thinking about you now makes my day."

Some days later-

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Some days later-

Keeping the note inside of the locker, Taehyung smiled slightly. He then walked through the hall. He sighed heavily as he recalled it's been weeks since he last came here. A chuckle escaped also as the thought of the note came in his mind. It was a little Thank you note which he kept inside Y/N's locker so that she could see it when she'll approach there. Surely he did thank her before but still it seems less.

-"why are you smiling like an idiot???"

Taehyung grinned as he recognized who it was.

-"Nothing." He shortly replied.

-"Wahh!!! Something is fishy. Tell me why are your cheeks getting redder then?? I don't remember if you used or stole some girl's makeup."

-"Jimin!!" He sternly glared at Jimin. Jimin laughed seeing his reaction.

Again they started to walk along.

-"Seriously, why were you laughing?"

-"Aish!! I told you it's nothing. It was just I-I remembered some jokes."
Taehyung indeed didn't want to tell the reason or should say he himself was unaware of the fact why he was smiling. In fact he was embarrassed when Jimin caught him smiling without any reason.

-"Then tell me about it. I also wanna laugh too."

-"I forgot it." He blankly said as they entered in their classroom.

-"Ayee!! Taehyungaahhh!!" Jimin sighed.

"What do you think my alien? I don't know nothing??" Mumbling to himself Jimin smirked a bit as he saw when Taehyung was near at Y/N's locker. Basically it was 2nd year students' locker where final year's were in second floor. Then what he was doing there? Simple, to ease his task.

"I'll sure bother you time to time Taehyungaahhh." Shrugging his shoulder off, Jimin went to his classroom while humming a song.


-"I told you to wait for me. But why you didn't ??" Jimin said to Taehyung as he kept the tray of meals on the same table where Taehyung was sitting opposite.

But he seemed didn't listen to him properly as he was looking here and there like searching for someone.



-"It's break time, right?"

-"No, it's sleeping time. Grab a pillow and take a sweet nap." Jimin answered while unwrapping the burger and taking a mouthful bite.

Taehyung looked back at him pissed off.

-"Answer properly. It's lunch time means for everyone like for every grades, right?"

-"What's up to you? It's surely for every student."

Taehyung looked down while thinking something.

-"What happened?" Jimin asked.

-"Nothing." Taehyung shook his head.

Maybe Y/N didn't come. He thought. It was sure if she got the token he kept she would have surely come to meet with him.

Taehyung lazily digged his spoon on his meal. He somehow wasn't in mood to eat further.

-"Ummm... Jiminaahh, what's about that Minami."

Jimin looked at Taehyung and kept the plastic aside.

-"Well as far I know she was being expelled for 3 years for accusing false." He said not bothering.

-"It's rude."

Jimin's eyes got widen as he heard what his friend said.

-"I-I mean what she did to me it was surely wrong. But she should get second chance as it was matter of her career-"

-"Stop!!! Stop spreading your sympathy literally for everyone. She was there to end your career. And about her? Well she should have thought before." Jimin rolled his eyes.

Taehyung quietly nodded as he again looked around.


Tying the thick thread around the box, Y/N pushed it aside. She exhaled deeply while closing her eyes as she felt relaxed after a while.

She was changing her room. As Minami got expelled so she have to leave this double bedded room to take a single one.
Looking around the room, she felt a little bit of sadness. Here in this room, she collected so much memories. The window where she used to sit in front to gain some beautiful sceneries of outside. The birds sometimes were used to take rest of the shades. Also she can't forget here she used to live with the masked faced friend, MINAMI.

-"Are you done??"

A male voice made her out of thoughts. It was from Kai. Kai was here with her since morning as he also took a day off from classes to help her in arranging.

She firmly nodded at him.

-"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Kai cheered as he took a heavy box in his arms.

-"Careful." Y/N yelled at him who seemed didn't hear as he was fast enough to go out.

Y/N slightly smiled. We always get something after missing something. It's like give and take. As Kai was still there for her to show her what's wrong or right like childhood.

-"I thought you might have few things. But gosh!!! What was you were keeping? The boxes aren't finishing. Also heavy like I'm carrying a huge rock."

Y/N looked beside to her best friend. Kai was looking so tired as he was the one who carried the main utensils to move from there.

-"You should take some rest then. I'll manage further." She said assuring him.

-"No way. If I take rest probably till next morning you'll hear my snoring." He replied.

-"Huhh!! You do snore??" She asked amazingly.

-"Then pity on your future girlfriend." She laughed.

-"Why it was you-"
Before Kai could finish his sentence Y/N's phone rang making them stop on their track. Looking at caller ID, her eyes beamed up with happiness.

-"It's Appa!!" She said out of excitement.

To be continued-


Well, I know it's moving fast forward. But I want to finish this story as soon as possible. So yeah!!

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