The call 7

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"You really can't drink, my little Ghost King," Kun Lun's warm hand was gently stroking his obsidian hair. Shen Wei opened his eyes and blinked in the darkness.

"Where..." he began.

"We are still on the hill, though all the humans had left a while ago. You weren't joking when you said that you couldn't drink." The god repeated, amused. The professor realised that he was half lying in Kun Lun's arms. He sat up straight and cleared his throat.

"Please, forgive me," he started, but the deity shook his head.

"Don't say that. After all, I'm the one to blame. I crossed the line. Not that I regret it." Kun Lun shrugged and touched Shen Wei's forehead with one finger.

"Does it hurt much?" he asked.

"No," the professor shook his head, then frowned, making the god laugh.

"You're a terrible liar. Did Zhao Yunlan tell you that?"

"Yes." the man in the black robes frowned again. "I do not understand why, though."

Kun Lun's laughter was clear as a mountain spring when he stood up and helped his companion to his feet. "Of course, you don't. What shall we do now? Head back home?"

Shen Wei smiled, seeing the reluctance on Kun Lun's face. He wasn't the only one bad at lying.

"We could walk along the river. It is beautifully illuminated at night," the Black Envoy suggested. He took Kun Lun by the hand and looked him in the eyes. " Let me guide you there," the professor added softly. Kun Lun nodded, then made sure that he held his Ghost King's hand firmly and went along. They talked about the past, Shen Wei fishing out all the details of the world, which had been still young. Then he started talking animatedly about how the oral tradition meant inevitable changes to the original story.

"The earliest historical documents were lost during the Great War. I still cannot believe I had been so reckless to leave them in the camp. The fire took them during the assault. I tried to recreate them. Unfortunately, I wasn't successful, having read them only once. Such a loss..."

"Just ask the questions, and I will provide the right answers," Kun Lun assured him, amused.

"Then once we're back, I will show you the book, which is too general about the becoming of nations, in my opinion."

*The roles have changed yet again*, Kun Lun thought as he watched his companion now. At first, Shen Wei had kept his distance, treating Kun Lun with cold respect. Later on the hill, during the festival, the man had become a guardian, letting the god taste human life and its joys without getting into trouble. Now, another layer was peeled, revealing a bright young man thirsty for knowledge, excited by the prospect of learning something new. Kun Lun began to wonder how many other layers were there to be discovered.

Suddenly, three bulky men carrying metal rods blocked their way. Shen Wei frowned.

"Can they see us?" he asked quietly. The god tried to look surprised. His expression was so fake that Shen Wei shook his head. "You did that on purpose."

"I wouldn't dare," Kun Lun grinned.

"We should avoid fighting. We can't use any powers. There are cameras here. We would be discovered." Shen Wei whispered, then turned to the men, who approached slowly. One of them snickered.

"What's that? You guys taking part in some sort of a freak show?"

"Please," Shen Wei lowered his head. "We do not wish to cause trouble. There is surveillance here-"

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