Online sensation 2/2

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 Lin Jing gulped, looking sideways at his boss, whose frown, as he drove them through the narrow lanes of the Dragon City, slowly deepened. The detective looked clearly exhausted and in no condition to drive a car. The scientist looked away, praying they wouldn't crash.

Da Qing, sitting in the back seat, sighed suddenly, watching the world outside.

"Pity, we didn't think of filming in that old tower that used to be a viewpoint. I'd have shown some of my jumping skills there."

"Oh," Lin Jing turned to look at him, struggling against his seatbelt. "It wouldn't be possible. I guess you haven't heard. Three days ago, some kids were playing there, and the roof came down, burying them. All three had died. The city council has finally decided to take that place down. It's long overdue if you ask me."

"Why does there always have to be a tragedy before those idiots act," Yunlan shook his head. He parked his red car in front of Lin Jing's house and glanced at the scientist.

"You can take today off since you've been working so diligently all night. But I'd appreciate it if you could monitor our progress."

"Sure thing, boss. I've set up multiple alarms just in case something happens."

"Good," Yunlan watched him go before yawning and turning the ignition key. He looked into the rearview mirror and smirked at the puffy black furball curled up in the back seat.

"Some of us have it easy," the detective muttered. He drove back to the SID Headquarters, got out of the car, and then unsuccessfully tried to wake up Da Qing. After the third failed attempt, he gathered the sleeping cat in his arms and strode into the building.

"Old Zhao," Zhu Hong's crisp voice greeted him immediately. "There is a case."

"And hello to you too, Hong Jie," Yunlan placed Da Qing gently on the sofa, stroked his soft fur, and looked around. "Seems we're starting a busy day. Where's Xiao Guo?"

"He was on the night shift. Now, he's collecting our monthly supplies."

"Right," Yunlan took the case file from the Snake Woman and quickly went through all the information. "Two brothers hospitalised after a vicious attack in the park, multiple bruises and lacerations. They claim..." Yunlan frowned. "Claim to have been attacked by a tree. Now that's a new one. Old Chu," Zhao turned to the puppet master. "I guess it's the two of us." Yunlan stifled a yawn and unwrapped a lollipop, put it into his mouth, and sucked. In his mind's eye, Shen Wei was huffing and puffing angrily, explaining the importance of regular meals. The detective sighed, resigning himself to the inevitable tong-lashing in the afternoon as he returned to his car, Old Chu, at his heels.

They buckled up, and Zhao turned the ignition key.

"So," He said, driving towards the city centre. "We haven't talked about Xiao Guo's evaluation in a while. How's his progress?"

Chu Shuzhi scowled, looking ahead. "To be honest, I have mixed opinions about whether he's that complicated or plain stupid. His deflective skills improved a lot. If he puts his mind to it, he can defend himself well. But if it comes to his tracking skills, he's as hopeless as ever. I'm not even going to comment on how gullible that kid is. He has been late three times this month because he had to guide an old lady home. I swear that hag is deliberately waiting for him."

"Xiao Guo's pure heart is what's making him such a valuable asset to our team," Yunlan exhaled. "That's why he had been sent to the SID in the first place," he added quietly.

"What do you mean?" Old Chu narrowed his eyes. Yunlan sighed. He had never discussed Changcheng's role in the Hallows' ordeal with anyone but his father and Shen Wei. Somehow, he didn't think it would sit well with the rest of the team to know the boy had been destined to become the wick of the Guardian Lantern. And it was all in the past, anyway. "I mean, with your grumpiness, we desperately needed a counterweight. Changcheng was simply that." Zhao looked the Puppet Master in the eye and laughed. "And you finally had something to do. Apart from spying on me, that is."

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