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Shen Wei returned from a three-day conference tired but with a sense of accomplishment that sometimes amazed him. Even after more than 10.000 years, there were still things in this world that made him curious. He dug up and explored the stories, presenting the results of his research to a demanding audience of highly educated scholars and then led the discussion, enjoying every moment of it. After heated debates, followed by small talks, where he was often treated like a prodigy due to his youthful appearance, he would always return to his safe haven. A place he called home.

The professor opened the door to Zhao Yunlan's apartment, stepped inside and frowned at the state of the place. The sight that greeted him was far from what he had expected. Yunlan's clothes were strewn across the floor like a chaotic art installation. A muddy trail led the professor to the couch, where Zhao was sleeping deeply, his dirty trekking boots still on his feet. Shen Wei sighed, his patience momentarily tested but only for a second or two. Softly shaking his head, he couldn't help but smile despite his initial frustration. He carefully removed Zhao's boots, ignoring the mud caked on the soles. The detective stirred and turned to lie on his side but didn't wake up, so Shen Wei covered him with a soft blanket and began picking up all the discarded clothing items from the floor. It took him twenty minutes to put everything away, making sure the clothes were pristinely folded and placed neatly inside the wardrobe. Just as the professor reached for the muddy boots to clean them, the detective slowly stirred from his sleep and blinked sluggishly at him.

"Zhao Yunlan, what happened here?" Shen Wei stood over him, frowning. Zhao, still half-asleep and disoriented, rubbed his eyes. "Ah, Xiao Wei-ah, you're back," he mumbled, a sheepish grin forming on his sleepy face. "There was a case in the mountains, and I couldn't find my warm jacket. I might have made a mess."

"And falling asleep on the couch?"

"It was almost a 24-hour hunt. I crashed the moment I arrived."

"What about those?" Shen Wei lifted the boots, showing all the mud. Yunlan laughed.

"Yeah, I've got no excuse except that I was super tired. Sorry."

"It's all right," the professor carried the boots to the bathroom. "I am glad that you came back safe."

"Hey?" Yunlan followed him, yawning and checking his watch. "Have I slept for thirty hours, or are you back a day earlier?"

"Indeed," Shen Wei looked fondly at his lover's hair, plastered to one side of his head and sticking out at different angles from the other. "After the conference's official part, there was an opportunity to stay and visit the city."

"And as you've seen it built from scratch, you opted out." Zhao nodded to himself. "Does it mean you have tomorrow off? Give me those boots. I'll clean them. You must be tired after talking to all those old people for two days straight. Were you the only one without grey hair?"

"You would be surprised how many young lecturers I met this year. It was refreshing to see sparkling interest in their keen eyes."

"Oh?" Yunlan's eyebrows twitched. "Was there any particular scholar whose eyes sparkled so much?"

Shen Wei, used to his lover's antics, handed him a wetted mop.

"The floor in the living room needs your immediate attention, Chief Zhao."

"Are you evading the question, Professor Shen?" Yunlan grinned, taking it and shaking his head. "I can't let you anywhere on your own. What if somebody snatches you from under my nose?"

"Then I believe you will come to my rescue, detective?" The professor pointed to the mirror with his chin. Yunlan finally spotted the state of his hair and laughed gingerly, not bothering to tame the wild mane.

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