Chapter 5- The Keratomancer and The Psychic

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As sound began to return to Tom, he heard shouting from the teaching staff.
"Agnes, orange juice! We need to get Libitina stable!"
The voice was recognisably Damien's, though who Agnes was, Tom didn't know. His throbbing jaw from Gordon's fist hadn't gone away from the attack yet. He deduced that he hadn't been out long.

As his eyes reopened and he looked around, things looked exactly as they had. Gordon had vanished. Marlon was leaning on a nearby wall, attended to by some of the teachers. Gil was being fed what appeared to be kale. A female teacher that Tom didn't recognise was clearly watching over him, and she called out to her colleague across the yard,
"He's awake, Damien!"
As Damien began to make his way towards Tom, he pulled himself to his feet, a little woozy for just a second but regaining balance quickly. He took a pose aggressive enough for the female teacher to back off. Finally, as Damien reached him and extended a comforting hand, Tom flung his fist at the man.

Tom's fist impacted a sudden thick wall of hair, wiry but comforting enough of his blow as to not hurt either person.
"You just... I almost just died and all you did was stand there and watch! You were going to let me die! What the hell is your..."
Tom turned to the rest of the teachers, looking between them in rage.
"You all left me to be killed by him! Don't you have a duty of care? Do none of you care for any of us?"
"Tom-" Damien attempted to speak but in his rage, Tom could barely hear him.
"What the hell is your problem, all of you! My friends tried to save me, so what the hell is stopping you from-"
Tom stopped as he felt Damien's strong grip on his shoulder. He spoke calmly but with an air of authority towards Tom.
"Tom Chester, my office. Now."

The trip to Damien's office was even more gut wrenching than the first time. After his attempted assault on the headteacher, he could honestly see no other ending than expulsion. Despite what had just occurred, he still liked this school and wanted to stay here. He'd made new friends, and he needed somewhere to train his powers in case he was attacked again. He genuinely believed that he wouldn't survive the Diablo Assembly's assaults outside the school. By this point, all of Tom's rage had dissipated and was replaced with regret. Though he hadn't noticed his surroundings through his thoughts, Damien and him had reached his office.

"Please sit down, Tom." Damien began, softly. Not wanting to enrage the teacher any further, Tom sat down quickly. There was a palpable silence which Tom found himself compelled to fill.
"I'm going to be expelled, aren't I."
Damien spent a while longer in the silence, which Tom daren't interrupt further. Finally, he responded to Tom.
"No. You have to do far worse to be expelled in this place, Tom. Even if you had done something heinous, the Diablo Assembly seem to have taken a great interest in you. Your safety is paramount, and despite the occurrence of today, I would still hedge a bet that the Bakeneko Academy is the safest place for you."
Contemplative silence was left between them again before Damien continued.
"I suppose that you'd like to know why none of the teachers came to your aid during that fight, why they couldn't help you. Furthermore, I suppose you'd like to know why they went out of their way to stop other students from aiding you. Please make yourself comfortable, Tom, because it requires a rather long, and fairly politically deriving. story."
Tom adjusted himself in the chair to a good enough level of comfort and gave a curt nod to Damien, who began his story.

"Tom, I'm going to tell you a story, about why, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't help you fight, was his name Gordon? Now I told you that the teachers couldn't help you, and the reason for this is because of a piece of international law related to people with powers, known as the Wonderman Convention. So to explain what the law means, I'm going to explain exactly how this piece of legislation came about. Now, governments tend to hire people with powers for special divisions, be that war with super soldiers, intelligence forces, secret spy agencies, you get the picture. This story features the American government and one of their sanctioned heroes, Wonderman. Now, Wonderman was known for two things- his amazing flight and super strength, and his tendency to be attacked by other heroes.

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