《 my little sunlight 》

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We interrupt your monty program for this short sun commercial

P.S. would people like it more if i had labeled in the titles who the oneshot is about? i cry


( sundrop x baby reader )

"What kind of selfish parent would leave A BABY?!" Sun screamed to nobody in particular.

His exclamation startled the two year old that was playing with toy blocks on the floor. They stare up at Sun with tears prickling their eyes. Their little mouth twists into a frown and their cheeks puff out as if they were ready to cry. Sun nearly panicks.

"Oh, no, I'm so sorry, friend! Calm down. There, there." He scooped up the child into his long arms and gently bounced up and down to get it to calm down.

The animatronic noticed the toddler and had to keep an eye on it earlier that day but Sun began to worry when nobody came to pick the child up before closing. Sun couldn't discern whether it was a girl or a boy and he had no clue as to what their name is. It wasn't until 12 AM, when the pizzaplex closed, that Sun realized that this baby has been abandoned and neglected.

After the child calmed down, Sun was ready to set it back down on the floor until they protested with their little arms in the air.

"Sun! Sun! Cawwy!"

"You want me to continue carrying you, friend?"

"Ung!" The little ball of sunshine smiled at the daycare attendant.

They are such a little friend indeed. Sun had never felt such joy in doing his work. Despite the face that he cannot move, a softness in him makes him want to smile so genuinely. But there was a problem. Whatever would he do when the power diverts to the charging stations every hour? That's the only time Moon would come out to play. Sun was worried. It was nearly 2 AM. He was safe for the first hour because the child was asleep and therefore didn't have to see Moon. But now, he was towards the second hour. The child brought him back to reality by patting his face with their tiny hands. They tried to cover his eyes, giving him an idea for a game they could play.

"You wanna play peek-a-boo, friend?"

The little one only laughed and clapped in happiness. And so, Sun started playing with them, making sure that their eyes were covered when the lights go out. It was hard enough to keep Moon at bay as it is but now Sun has to take care of this toddler. As the clock goes past 2 AM, Sun was safe. He only has a few hours more to go.

As the clock ticked by, Sun spent time playing with this child. They played in the ball pit, played with glitter glue, made puppets, they danced a little bit, played hide and seek, and more. Most of the stuff was to keep the child safe and avoid them from seeing Moon.

Around 5 AM, Sun is watching the baby taking a small nap on the soft rubber mat floor. He wouldn't deny the fact that he'd gotten attached to them within the few hours that they spent together in pure bliss.

"My little sunlight." He softly mutters, stroking their cheek

The baby stirs awake. They smile upon seeing their guardian.

"Sun! Cawwy!"

"Of course, dear."

Sun carries them into his arms once more. He looks at them as if they were his own child. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to keep them around.

"Sun... sunwite." They say.

Sun nearly breaks down.

《 end. 》


I was listening to I Wouldn't Mind by He Is We and I almost cried. I could've written this way better than it turned out but damn.

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