《 insomniac 》

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First moon oneshot let's go (p.s: he's separate from sun and can appear at the beginning/end of every hour even if the lights are on)

Any insomniacs here? Say aye


( moon x insomniac reader )

It seems like the world is at a standstill every time you lie awake at night. Contemplation about the existence of humanity can only go so far for a few minutes before your train of thought switches onto another track. That other track was heading towards the thought of your only companion; an animatronic who is actually pissed at you because his "sleepy-time candy" doesn't have any effect on you.

The Daycare Attendant, Moon, once found you stuck in the pizzaplex after closing. You had wandered into the daycare that night because you thought it would be a good place to rest. Of course, you knew you couldn't sleep there. There were complications. One of them being the fact that you couldn't rest in such a bright place. Another reason was that you had a sleep disorder. Insomnia.

On the night you first met...

You arrive at the daycare, not looking at anything in the room, immediately noticing the slide going down into the play area. Slide into the fun. Perhaps you will. You slid into the tube head first and regretted it a bit when you nearly drowned in the ball pit. Then, you got up and found a comfortable corner in the play structures for you to hide in. You cozy up against the wall and the soft play blocks nearby. All was well until the lights flicker on and off like in a horror movie. They end up dimmed, which you thought wasn't so bad, until you hear a creepy laugh from an approaching figure.

"Naughty one..." The voice rasped. "Do you know what time it is?"

You squint your eyes, making out the figure of an animatronic menacingly coming closer. But that didn't faze you one bit. The robot with the moon head and a jester's pajamas creeps up before you.

"It's past your bedtime." He said, a sick plastic grin on his unfortunate face. But you didn't have time for this.

"I ain't got no bedtime, bitch. I'm not a kid." You spat.

Taken aback, he goes silent. You snuggle further into your warm sweater and attempt to at least get a wink of sleep. The moon clenches his fist but you didn't have to see that to know he was already annoyed with you. To think that this person could just go wherever they wished and simply take a nap. The audacity.

"Get out." His voice made itself firm.

"No," you reply without opening your eyes. "Buzz off."

You hear him scoff. Not something you'd completely expect to hear from an animatronic who works with children. Opening your eyes, you find the lights a little brighter and a clearer image of the animatronic before you. It only confirms your thoughts of how he should be circus display.

"Who are you?" His head tilts to the side.

"One, not telling you my name. Two, I happen to work in the pizzaplex. That's how I got inside in the first place."

"You got in here because you went in down the slide head-first."

"You saw that? Damn."

Before you knew it, you had already told Moon about your insomnia and that you had trouble sleeping. He offers you a candy, which you knew was the sleepy-time candy that was advertised in the daycare halls. You didn't expect Moon to be mad when he asked you why you weren't sleeping yet. It's not like a simple piece of candy could put you out. Besides, the candy's for kids, not an insomniac grownup like you.

As Moon reclines next you following the next hours of the night, you both stare up at the ceiling without talking. You had earlier explained what your insomnia meant so that he would stop bothering you about why you couldn't sleep. It wasn't that difficult to grasp. As you later made conversation, the hours droned on and you began to get sleepy. You guess it's one of those lucky nights were you can sleep without interruption. Moon notices your yawning and stretching. You snuggle up closer as your eyelids begin to fall heavy. Perhaps two candies did the trick.

"Heh. Good night..." A robotic hum is the last thing you hear before you finally fall into a deep slumber.

《 end. 》

...Do i not stir any emotions within my readers? Is my writing that bland? But hey at least y'all vote-

P.S. Here's a link to someone who literally just copy-pasted this exact oneshot I wrote:

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