🐊 monty smut preview 🐊

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Hello! It's me, the author, harbinger of disappointment.

Here's a preview of the upcoming Monty smut. None of you may remember Kael but he's on hiatus.

Note: this might not be in the final version and the contents in this preview are not edited. (I don't know why I make it sound like a big deal when it's literally just smut oneshots. It's like I'm hyping you all up for nothing.)

*This scenario features human Monty and female reader.


"Body Parts and Service"

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You walk in on a shirtless Monty who was busy admiring himself in the mirror. Guess they all learn a thing or two from Roxanne. You roll your eyes since he was too preoccupied to notice you entering his room. Huffing, you plop yourself on the couch and secretly join Monty in admiring his body. A few seconds pass. All you see him do is flex his arms and inspect every muscle on his torso. Look at those broad shoulders, those defined back muscles, those delicious deltoids and bulging biceps...

"Like what ya' see, doll?" Monty's voice cuts you off from your train of thought.


He smirks at you with a devious side-glance. "Got a little drool there, hun."

"Shit," you whisper to yourself and lift up your arm to wipe your mouth.

As you were about to do so, Monty speeds over to you and grabs your arm mid-action. You couldn't even process how close he came to your face. The next thing you know, his tongue grazes the corner of your lips, licking off the saliva dribbling down your chin. He moves away from your face and looks at you with a provocative expression; the kind that was both annoying and attractive at the same time. His dark red orbs are swirling with an emotion you can't quite place. Your face heats up to a degree but you manage to spit out a little something that was on your mind.

"What the fuck?"

Monty clicked his tongue. "Now, now, I oughta teach ya' not to curse with them beautiful lips." He spoke slow and in a hushed tone. As if he hadn't embarrassed you enough already and you just got here.

"Oh, buzz off." You shove him off of you and get up from the couch, striding to the mirror. Monty follows and stands behind you. You furrowed your eyebrows as his body inched closer to yours like a magnet.

"Why are you even shirtless? Put some clothes on!"

He lets out a low chuckle. "Is that really what ya' wanna say to me?"

Monty was dangerously close to your neck and you tensed up, knowing that something might as well happen. You knew him too well at this point that his teasing is relentless beyond what normal couples do. Obviously, the two of you are not a normal couple to begin with. Monty uses that to his advantage and takes charge with his dominating animalistic side. You love that side of him and all it does is make you submit to his control. It does provide more for the wilder nights spent with Monty. The loving ain't all that bad. It's better than any of your previous relationships, that is. Perhaps tonight won't be so bad if something interesting were to happen. After all, you wanted a better look at that body...

"Do you think maybe we should go somewhere else? Where the others won't hear us?" You oh-so-shyly suggested.

Monty gives you a smirk through the mirror. "Ya' read my mind."

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