Chapter 6

696 76 27

Written by: Dee

"Wait, so you're really going to Seungmin's house today? Is this character development I see?" Felix exclaimed after he found out about Hyunjin's debate practice that evening.

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm going there just to practice, stop making up scenarios in your head." Hyunjin obviously sighed angrily, not in the mood to joke around. He is still bitter after what happened that morning, let alone knowing that he'll have to meet the other later.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Just don't hurt Seungmin, okay? Changbin Hyung puts his trust in me to keep Seungmin safe." Felix said which made the taller turn his attention to him right away. "Does Changbin Hyung has no trust in me whatsoever? Why would I even do that anyway?" He scowled.


The two were startled by a familiar voice calling out one of them. Felix smiled as he saw who it was, feeling heat rushing through his cheeks in a mere second. "Hi, Seungmin and hi Hyung..." He muttered the last part shyly, almost causing Hyunjin to gag.

"Hey, are you heading home? I can walk you there." Changbin asked, the younger perked up at the question before nodding almost immediately. "Great! Seungmin, will you be okay walking with Hyunjin?" The older continued, his attention quickly turned to Seungmin.

Seungmin spared a glance at Hyunjin and noticed that he wasn't exactly paying attention to the conversation, so he just nodded in response. Changbin pats his shoulder before signing that he can call him if anything happens.

The two went off on their way, leaving a very awkward Seungmin and an unbothered Hyunjin at the school entrance. The younger still feels guilty, so nothing sits right with him until Hyunjin forgives him.

"Hyunjin, I—"

"We're heading to your house, right? Let's go and get this over with." Hyunjin cuts him off and started walking, not really knowing where his legs are taking him. Seungmin looked at the way he went, suppressing his laughter.

"Um, Hyunjin? My house is that way..." He said as he pointed at the opposite side of the road, grabbing the other's attention almost immediately. Hyunjin turned around and walked past Seungmin with flushed cheeks, totally ignoring how the younger is trying his best not to laugh out loud.

Seungmin trailed behind the blushing Hyunjin who seems to slow down to match the shorter's pace. Before Seungmin could say anything, Hyunjin cuts him off. "I'm not waiting for you, I'm making you lead the way." He said, not even sparing a glance at the other.

"Okay...?" Seungmin muttered in confusion since he didn't even say anything. He started walking ahead, making sure to text his mom that he's bringing someone over. He would say he's bringing a 'friend' over, but he himself can't be sure if he can use that term with Hyunjin.

"She went out for lunch with a friend? That means I have to order a takeawa-—"

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