Facing the Beast

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I'm going to be honest with y'all, I really didn't feel like writing Tom's reaction so I glossed over it lmao. I just really really wanted to get to Gabriel, omg I've had the idea since like chapter 4. Also, I have a headcanon that after the Weredad incident, Adrien is secretly terrified of Tom lol
Sorry if it seems a little messy at the beginning

ALso, I wasn't going to set a proper timeline for the story, but it became kinda relevant here lol, it's springtime


Sabine suggested Marinette go see the doctor before telling Tom anything. She said it was better to have full confirmation and see if she was alright.

The whole visit had her nervous. She told Adrien she was going to go see an obstetrician when she showed up to school following her two days off. The appointment was the following week during a school day, so Adrien couldn't come with her. It made her a little sad, but it meant her mom went with her. It was probably for the best since Sabine was able to inform Marinette of what type of check-up she'd get and that it'd be quite invasive.

And she was 100% correct. Since it was her first checkup, she had to get a physical and some lab tests done. She felt uncomfortable for most of the check-ups, but having her mom there to reassure her helped. She was given a due date in the fall and two copies of her ultrasound. She gave one copy to Adrien, which almost made him cry. Their baby looked so tiny, barely noticeable. Her next appointment actually fell during their spring break, so Adrien excitedly asked to go with her.

They used the second copy of the ultrasound to tell Tom. Marinette invited Adrien over to dinner Friday night, just like she had planned. Things were going well. Adrien looked somewhat tense but after a while, he looked calm and engaged in conversation with Tom. It was so much fun that Marinette didn't want to tell her dad her situation since she knew it would ruin the moment. But then Sabine insisted they moved to the couch after finishing dinner, serving a cup of tea for all of them.

The teens nervously moved to the couch, Adrien taking Marinette's hand in his. Sabine sat down next to Tom, wrapping her arm around his. Tom sensed the tense change in the room and asked what was going on.

Marinette and Adrien glanced at each other.

"Papa," she began, her eyes watering.

Tom frowned. Sabine handed him the ultrasound pictures, and Tom stared at them confused for a moment.

"I'm pregnant."

A deafening silence fell on the room.

Tom's expression remained confused until he eventually caught on. His face turned red and he frowned. He didn't yell, but his voice certainly got louder. Marinette started crying and so did Sabine. Sabine pleaded for her husband to calm down. Adrien was frightened, scared that Tom would go Weredad again and throw him out the window.

He tried to diffuse the situation, saying that he planned on taking responsibility. He was going to stick by Marinette's side throughout the whole pregnancy and would raise the child with her.

Tom only glared at him.

Adrien then nervously said he'd support her financially. He had the means to help her raise the baby. He was 100% on board with the baby.

Tom eventually calmed down, then broke down in tears. He hugged Marinette. Deep down he was just worried about her. She was his only daughter. He wasn't happy about the situation, but what could he do? At least he knew Adrien to be a good kid.

It had been a few weeks now since she had told her dad. He was still upset, and she couldn't blame him, but much less so than before.

Now Marinette stood in front of the Agreste gates, hands trembling. She dreaded this the most, but soon she'd get to the point of showing and Gabriel would find out eventually. She insisted on waiting until she reached her second trimester, citing that the first trimester has a high risk of miscarriages. She wasn't wrong, but they both knew that wasn't the real reason. Adrien didn't argue with her, he just went with what she wanted.

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