Unfortunate New Life

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I forgot to post yesterday y'all, I am so sorry.


Marinette missed being a superhero. She missed wearing her spotted suit and running across rooftops with Chat Noir. She missed the cool night air and late-night talks. She missed fighting beside Chat and scolding him for getting into harm's way. She missed Tikki. Alya and Chat Noir visited often after patrol, but it didn't help. It wasn't the same. 

She missed the secret identity aspect of things. She couldn't enjoy the comfort of donning the mask and being a different person. After the pregnancy announcement was made by Gabriel, she couldn't go out anymore without immediately being recognized. Gabriel kept his word on waiting until classes were over, but it did little to stop the chaos. There was no more running away from her problems as Ladybug.

Her phone was bombarded with messages from her friends. They even showed up at her house full of questions. 

Rose squealed in excitement. She just loved babies so much. How far along? Due date? Boy or girl? She'll babysit! Were she and Adrien together? Were they going to get married? Oh, it would be so romantic!

Juleka kept Rose from jumping all over the place. She was surprised but ultimately just congratulated Marinette. 

Mylene was a calmer version of Rose. She had so many questions and seemed really excited for Marinette. Was she doing breathing exercises? Those helped her a lot whenever she got nervous. Marinette, you could use them too! Don't get too stressed. Oh! She has such a cute lullaby to share for when the baby arrives. 

Alix cracked a few jokes. Adrien has some strong swimmers. For once, one of your disasters worked in your favor! After she got most jokes out of her system, she congratulated Marinette. 

Alya, of course, had many questions left over. How did Chat Noir react? He's been pretty quiet about the whole thing and seems uncomfortable when I ask him about it. Was he heartbroken? Did he want to beat Adrien up, or was her calm and respectful? Does Chat know who you are now? Did you let him know Adrien's the father? Will you let him meet the baby?

Adrien thought it would help if he told Alya he was Chat Noir. 

It didn't.

Marinette left it up to him to answer Alya's new hundreds of questions. 

The public was worse. The moment she stepped out of the bakery, she would be surrounded by people trying to take pictures. She was very visibly pregnant by then, so everyone wanted a picture of her baby bump. She had phones and microphones shoved in her face. Her bodyguard was able to get most people away from her, but she was still constantly followed. Marinette turned down multiple public appearances that Gabriel wanted her to make. She wasn't a show pony. She encouraged Adrien to refuse as well and only did 2 interviews. 

She was used to the spotlight as Ladybug, but as Marinette, it felt uncomfortable. She couldn't hang out with her friends in public in peace. Damn Adrien and his stupid pretty face and his stupid famous family. 

Adrien noticed her discomfort and offered to get her two more bodyguards. Ones that could be with her and around the bakery 24/7. 

The bodyguard Gabriel hired technically was available to always be by Marinette's side, but Adrien didn't trust him. Adrien couldn't help but wonder if the bodyguard was a spy for his dad. A way to keep an eye on Marinette at all times. Adrien still had his original bodyguard still hired by his dad, but Adrien trusted Gorilla. They had bonded over the years despite few words ever being shared between the two. Gorilla's loyalty stood with Adrien, not Gabriel. 

Marinette didn't want more bodyguards, she wanted to be left alone. She turned down Adrien's offer and chose to lock herself up in her room. 


"Are you sure you want to stay locked up here?" Alya asked, raising a brow. 

"No," Marinette muttered. "But I hate the stupid paparazzi. Damn you, Adrien."

Adrien and Alya chuckled.

"Not funny," Marinette crossed her arms and pouted. 

"Besides, it's not like I could even do much. I can barely stand on my own, let alone walk anywhere," she sighed.

"Oh, Mari, it can't be that bad," Alya chuckled.

"Look at me!" Marinette raised her arms up in the air. "I'm huge! I feel like a fucking planet."

She turned to Adrien and glared at him, "You did this to me! I hate you."

Adrien grinned, "I did do that to you. I love you too, buginette." He kissed her forehead, and she huffed in annoyance. 

"Well, I think you look wonderful, Marinette!" Tikki chimed in. "It's so amazing how humans can create more humans! It's such a wonderful process."

Marinette scrunched up her nose, "Yeah, well it doesn't feel nor look wonderful. I am not looking forward to pushing this baby out." 

"Are you getting the epidural?" Alya asked.

"Duh, you'd have to be a masochist to refuse one."

Alya shook her head and laughed.

"I'll make sure to get you the comfiest room in the best hospital here in Paris," Adrien spoke. "I'll also be there with you. I want to see the birth of our son."

"Oh, speaking of which, have you guys decided on a name?" Alya asked. 

"Yes, we're going with Louis," Marinette happily responded.

"Louis? Wow, didn't you come up with that name back when we were 14? You still like it?"

"You've had a name picked out since collège?" Adrien asked, surprised. 

"Correction, names," Alya grinned. 

Marinette blushed, "Actually, I had 3 names planned since then."

"She really liked you back then," Alya chuckled.


"What? You're carrying his kid! Now's not the time to be embarrassed, Marinette."

"What are the two other names?" he asked.

"Emma and Hugo," Marinette replied sheepishly. 

"You want to have 3 kids?" Adrien asked, excitement in his eyes. Marinette nodded.

"Whoa there, Agreste. Hold your horses. The first one hasn't even been born yet!"

"So? That doesn't mean we can't plan ahead," he grinned. 

"Pl-plan ahead?" Marinette blushed and squeaked. 

"Plan ahead? You're getting ahead of yourself. I hope that planning ahead includes a ring, at least. Love sure is blind," Alya shook her head.


I'm really sad that we're coming to an end soon ):

I love this story sm

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