Nomu vs Izuku

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We start the chapter with class 1 a have just arrived to the USJ.

Aizawa: alright brats this is UA's USJ or known as unforeseen simulation joint.

Mina: woah it's huge

Denki: I still feel disappointed that this isn't Universe studios Japan

Sato: yeah

Mineta: I don't care as long as I get see girls here ( looking at momo ).

Jiro: (stabs Mineta with her ear jack in his ear ) shut up you pervert.

Shoto: let's just go in

Shoka: yeah

Katsuki: let's go EXTRAS

Ochako: hey stop calling us extra

Kirishima: yeah that unmanly bakubro

Mina: again do you always say manly Kirishima- kun

Kirishima: yeah if someone's manly then they are manly if their not manly then I'm disappointed in them like mineta he is not manly.

Seto: dude doesn't that get old

Tus: ribbit shouldn't we focus ribbit

Lida: I concur with Asui let's focus on the task at hand.

Toru: isn't Momo the class rep why are you freakin and giving us orders isn't that supposed to be Momo job.

Momo: no it's fine I mean he is the vice class rep

Lida looks down in shame and embarrassment.

Ochako: don't worry Lida-kun just because your the vice class rep doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to you okay.

Lida: thanks ochako .

Aizawa: enough talking.

Hero#13 : hello class of 1 A

Ochako: OMG the space hero 13 I am your biggest fan.

Hero#13: haha I also like meeting a fan.

Aizawa: where's all might he supposed to be hero.

Hero # 13 shows 3 fingers on her hand.

Aizawa: what an idiot he must be busy with interviews right now.

Izumi looks at the signal and knows that her Father Time is up.

Izumi: ( well let's hope we won't need).

Hero#13: okay I'm just going to say 1 thing .... or 2 or ..... 3 or .... 4 or .....5.

Classs: ( why is it increasing)

Hero# 13 : I am just going to say that quirks are dangerous because of how much power a person quirk is take my quirk for example I save people with my quirk and with good control but my quirk is so strong that in the wrong hands can cause massive destruction.

They then went in but when 13 was about to explain the different zones a portal appeared with a bunch of villains only Kirishima seemed to notice though.

Kirishima: woah they even have fake villains man UA is pulling out all the stops here.

Aizawa turns to see where Kirishima was facing eyes widened and sees the villains.

Aizawa: those are not fake villains those are real villains 13 protect the kids I'll go.

13: right

Izumi: but sensei their are to many of them you are suitable to fight them.

Aizawa: Izumi you don't get to be a pro if you are only a one trick pony.

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