The New Team

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Narrator: 18 years later.

Adam: What!?

Carly: Wait so Pitch Black is the one who can destroy Discord!?

Alice: But isn't Pitch evil!?

Adam: I have so many questions!

Narrator: Alice's Mom laughs.

Alice's Mom: Can I continue with the story?

Narrator: The kids nods their head in agreement.

Alice's Mom: Good.

Alice's Mom: After realising the mistake that the Guardians did-

Narrator: 18 years ago.

Jack: We have to find Snow.

Bunny: Mate we don't even know where she is.

Jack: She has ice shadow horses going around at night time giving children good dreams for crying out loud!

Bunny: So?

Jack: So we will sneak up on them and just follow them without being spotted.

North: Jack that sounds like a big stretch.

Bunny: Yeah, and I don't think Snow would want to see us.

Jack: We have to go and apologise to her.

North: Jack, even if we could find Snow, Bunny has a good point.

North: Do you think she would want to see us?

Bunny: We turned her away without letting her give us an explanation.

Tooth: I'd hate to say but I think that she must have been really hurt by that.

Narrator: Jack sighs.

Jack: I messed up big time.

Bunny: We all did.

Jack: Tonight we follow the horses and we find Snow.

Narrator: Back at the castle.

Pitch: Is every Easter Horse ready for the big night?

Easter Horses: Yes!

Pitch: Good!

Pitch: Let's give these children a Easter they will never forget.

Pitch: We have a few hours left till moonrise and that's when you take flight.

Pitch: Are the Dream Horses ready?

Dream Horses: Yes we are!

Pitch: Good, everything is going according to plan.

Snow: Hey, is everyone ready?

Pitch: Yes they are.

Snow: Good.

Pitch: Did you have a good sleep?

Snow: You know the answer to that.

Pitch: Oh right, sorry I forgot.

Pitch: Surely there's another spell we can find?

Snow: This is the only way to give children their happy dreams, if someone takes all their bad dreams and gets stuck with them every time they sleep in return to give them the gift of happy dreams.

Pitch: You know, I never met someone like you Snow Frost.

Pitch: If it weren't for you, I'd still be trapped by the darkness that had been put inside me.

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