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Jack: Wait what do you mean the darkness has consumed Snow?

Moon: You can't just get rid of powerful magic like that into thin air.

Moon: Unless there was strong powerful magic combined.

Moon: You need to get the darkness out of Snow before it's too late.

Jack: How?

Jack: She hates us?

Moon: Not all of you.

Narrator: The Moon and Jack and North and Bunny and Tooth all looks over at Flame.

Narrator: Back at the castle workshop Snow isn't acting like herself.

NightShade: Erm… Snow?

NightShade: Shouldn't you be sleeping?

Snow: Ehh.

NightShade: I know the nightmares are horrible but you need your sleep.

Snow: Sleep, sleep?

Snow: Snow tumbles onto falling sand, sleep sleep sleep sleep.

NightShade: Oh no.

Narrator: NightShade is really concerned about Snow so she leaves Snow's room and she informs Pitch.

Pitch: Saviour's will you be so kind as too spread some happy memories for the kids and give them a reason to start believing again please?

The Saviour's: Of course, we'll go straight away.

Pitch: Great thank you.

Narrator: NightShade walks up too Pitch.

Pitch: NightShade is Snow asleep?

Narrator: NightShade does a nervous chuckle.

NightShade: Yeah about that…

Narrator: NightShade tells Pitch what happened and Pitch goes to see if Snow is okay.

Narrator: He knocks on Snow's door and there's no respond so he opens the door and enters.

Pitch: Snow?

Narrator: Snow is not on her bed.

Narrator: Pitch sees Snow on a illusion roof above the window.

Pitch: Snow, is everything okay?

Narrator: Snow can be seen with her back turned and staring at the wall.

Snow: Snow tumbles onto falling sand, sleep sleep sleep sleep.

Narrator: NightShade walks up beside Pitch.

Pitch: NightShade go get the Guardians.

Narrator: NightShade opens a portal to the Pole and she goes through it.

Moon: You have to be careful when-

Narrator: NightShade appears.

Jack: NightShade?

NightShade: It's Snow.

Narrator: NightShade notices the man figure moon glow.

NightShade: Err…. who is that?

Narrator: Jack quickly changes the subject.

Jack: NightShade what do you mean it's Snow?

NightShade: She's not acting like herself.

Moon: You need to go now and help Snow Guardians.

Moon: The fate of the children's belief is at stake.

Rise Of The Guardians 2Where stories live. Discover now