Their video?

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-TwoSetViolin uploaded a new video-

I glare at my phone trying to make out the words with my half closed eyes... Waking up was a pain especially during weekdays... It's like there's some superhuman force pressed on ruining my life and it ensures that I never wake up on time and radically change my life for the better by availing myself of the early morning benefits mentioned in those old manuscripts (if they're actually true that is but either way, I wouldn't know because I have never gotten so far as to wake up by 8'o clock).

But once my brain registers these words, there's an almost miraculous effect... It's like someone's thrown me into a bath full of ice cold water... such is the joyous shock that I receive that it instantly rids me off any drowsiness that might have encapsulated me.

A TwoSet video? The blessings of the Lord are upon us! What a brilliant start to what would otherwise have been a dull day!

Maybe I am a little ashamed to admit that this was enough to make me squeal like the obsessive fangirl I was, but you have to understand that this was the most exciting my monotonous life got...  

Being a university student is no fun at all like seriously. You go to sleep dreaming about homework and wake up to the dreaded atrocity. You would think learning about the subject you love would be entertaining enough on its own (and all that nonsense about the work is its own reward thing) but unfortunately, it does get tedious from time to time and the past few days have been like that. 

TwoSet is the only reason am getting through this mundane lifestyle averse to change... okay hold up... when you take into account that I have just discovered these lads the previous week; all of this sounds pretty exaggerated and maybe it is... but just SLIGHTLY. Watching TwoSet is an indispensable and essential part of my routine now. 

Fawning over their violin skills and maybe even their pretty faces (shhhh) does change you all in all... and with all these thoughts flooding my mind I click on the notification on my home screen.

The youtube app starts to load in and I feel a weird sensation in my stomach somewhat like excitement to see what shenanigans have they pulled off this time. That's what I like about TwoSet so much... it's just two dudes doing dumb stuff while laughing like hooligans pretty much the entire time with Editor San's witty remarks thrown in here and there... it reminds me of the friend group I never had... such is the interface of their videos. 

The video finally loads in AFTER AN UNGODLY 2 MINUTE WAIT (curse the WiFi) and it's an episode of LingLing 40 hours... 

"Before we start today's episode of Ling Ling 40 hours we would like to make a quick announcement", Brett says. 

Eddy continues, "We are planning to do a 'One Question Go' segment over on our brand new *official* discord server-"

"GreAT AdVErTisemENt", Brett chimes in.

Eddy lets out a small giggle and I somewhat feel my heart flutter... come onnn his laugh is cuteeee I can't help it! 

"Exactly so while we are at it... Check out the TwoSet apparel website for the latest designs and to support LingLing even though he needs no support cos HE PRACTISES 40 HOURS A DAY UNLIKE *cough cough*..."

Brett completes Eddy's sentence for him, "UNLIKE YOU!" while Eddy points his recorder (which he seemed to have pulled out of nowhere) threateningly towards the screen. 

This was all so on brand for TwoSet that it seemed like they were parodying themselves (4th wall break hahah). Yup, this was the content I was subscribed for and am enjoying every second of it...

"Anyway so if you are interested in participating, all you need to do is join the discord server and read the instructions in the info channel on there", Eddy explains.

"The link to the server would be in the description", Brett says.   

I pause the video to let the information sink in... So they finally decided to cede to popular demand and do a 'One Question Go' video? Well... THIS WAS amAzINg!  

I check the description and sure enough, there's a link to a discord server. I click on it... multiple times; as if that was gonna open it any quicker. 

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