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Walking through my apartment in downtown Austin cleaning up, you know, as you do, I hear a ring from my doorbell resonating through the entire apartment. As I'm making my way to the door, it gets rung again,

and again

and again

and again.

"I'm on my way! Chill out!" I holler, hoping to make whoever is ringing the bell stop. Leia, my black lab, is going crazy. "Stay girl." I point to the living room and she dutifully trots off. "Why-" I stop suddenly, noticing who's at my door. I just slam the door in his face and turn around to leave.

"(Y/n), open the damn door!" I hear him call out through the unfortunately thin walls. Of course, I have to listen to him 'cause he's my "brother".

I fling open the door. "What do you want." I hiss. He tries to push past me into MY HOUSE! "You STAY THE FUCK OUT THERE JUDD RYDER!" I scream.

"Woah! Ok! 'M sorry." He raises his hands up. "Can we just talk?" It's at this time that I notice the people behind him. Of course, he brought other people. This does make it more difficult to murder him and pull his bones out of his body, but I can make do. Maybe another day.

"No. We can't talk. Because there are a bunch of people behind you and I'm actually busy." I retort. I go to close the door but she shoves his foot in the way.

"Please. I need my baby sister back in life." He says. "I'm so sorry for what I did. I fucked up. Big time. I never should have told you that you were a mistake." He tells me. I can actually see the tears welling up in his eyes.

I'm starting to cry too, damnit. "I was 13 you piece of shit. You told me that I shouldn't be here. You said that mom should have gotten an abortion, gotten rid of me!" I swear, if this guy doesn't leave. "You didn't love me."

"I was 29, I was in a bad place in my life, you can't blame me!" He's starting to raise his voice.

"Of course I can fucking blame you! You are not my big brother, you never were, and will never be! Now stay out of my life!" I shout, tears streaming down my face, and slam the door before he can say anything else.

Nothing is said for a few minutes. I hear nothing from the other side of the door. Then I hear the faintest of whispers. "Please... open the door..."

"No matter what you say, it isn't going to make it all better." I say as I finally open the door which Judd is leaning on.

"Look," One of the people that Judd brought along starts saying. "Judd is a great person. You can't just throw shit at him for something he did 18 years ago!"

"The fuck I can't! He was an asshole who never even bothered to apologize! And now here he is, 18 years later, now he's apologizing." I shout. "I'm gonna get a noise complaint too now. Do you know how difficult it is to get these people off of your backs? It takes months for them to stop teasing you about how loud you were being." I complain with tears still streaming down my face.

"Hey (Y/n), I'm Grace. I'm Judd's wife." A woman with curly hair says coming up to me.

"A WIFE! YOU HAVE A WIFE AND DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME! OR INVITE ME TO YOUR WEDDING!" I scream. "You are an awful brother." I slam the door again, locking it, and I leave. I don't even bother to see if he and his friends had actually gone or not. I don't really give a shit anymore.

I continue cleaning around my house, moving around my black labrador, who refuses to move her furry butt out of my path, sobbing my heart out 'cause my brother got married and I wasn't even invited to the wedding. I bet you these people didn't even know I existed until recently.

Judd's POV

"Well, that's it, guys. No use trying to get her to do stuff when her mind is already made up." I tell everyone. "Ever (Y/n) was born, nobody could get her to change her mind. About anything. She was always the most stubborn of us all." I walk down the hallway with my friends trailing behind me.

Marjan runs to catch up with me. "Look, maybe we can change her mind. She hasn't seen you in what, 9 years? That's a long time for a person to hold a grudge. Maybe she misses you just as much, if not more than you miss her, but you won't know until you ask." She says. "Plus, she seems like a nice person."

"Marj is right Judd." TK tells me, Carlos nodding along with him. (Season 3 is hitting different. I wanna cry.)

"Maybe I'll come back another day. It's not happening today, if it ever does happen."

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