A Useless Effort- Chapter 11

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When the door finally opened, the commander herself stood in the doorframe with a crystal-powered rifle propped up on her shoulder and a face that implied she was not in the mood to mess around.

"You have exactly two seconds to explain why I shouldn't let Storm rip your arms off. Go." She ordered tiredly. Sapphira nodded her head to the potion in her hand, which she had once again poised to pour into Maltheus' mouth.

"...What's that supposed to mean?" The commander asked impatiently. "You think a potion will stop me from shooting you both before he can even swallow?"

"Look, I just want to keep him alive, ok?" Sapphira admitted. "PLEASE get him a healing potion before he dies on you. It will be hard for him to betray his father if he's dead, right?" Sapphira gave a pleading look at the commander, who simply clenched her jaw and curled the edge of her lips into a smirk.

"To tell you the truth, sweetie... I don't even need him alive. I just need to let ol' Drogoz find out where his son is being held, and when he comes to rescue his dear only child, he'll find a trap well-prepared for his arrival."

"That won't work." Sapphira contended.

"Oh, won't it...?" The commander humored her mockingly.

"No, way. From everything I've ever heard about Drogoz Flameterror, he blasts first, and asks questions later. The moment he arrives, your trap will be in flames before you can spring it. He will rip and tear and smash his way through everything and everyone in his way until he gets what he wants, and then leave you in the ashes as he escapes your clutches once again. That's what has happened every other time you tried to capture him, right? That's why he's been such a thorn in your side!" Sapphira was grasping at straws, but she could tell it was striking a cord with the commander. The old woman's scowl deepened, and she leaned her head back a bit farther as she considered.

"So you think I need to fight fire with fire, as it were?" She sighed.

"Maltheus did say he could 'guarantee' Drogoz's capture..." Sapphira offered temptingly. "Think of the fame, the promotions! Why, the Grand Magister himself might be impressed with your achievement!"

"That's enough flattery, thank you. I already have all those things. What I want is that loathsome beast's head mounted on my wall." The commander growled.

"Then please get a healing potion for the leading expert on the dragon you're after." Sapphira concluded, nodding to the sleeping Maltheus in her arms.

"I'm afraid there are no potions available for that. We've used them all on our soldiers that YOU rebels injured."

"Then go find my brother and give him back his bag of supplies. I'm sure he either has one or can brew one."

"...You expect me to give your brother a bag of dangerous chemicals, and let him make you a potion that does who knows what... While you're in prison?" The commander raised an eyebrow.

"Just let me heal him, please... You know you need him." Sapphira pointed out.

"Mhm..." The commander nodded incredulously. "...And what's that potion there? Your backup plan?" She questioned.

"Exactly. If you don't heal him, I'll give him the potion." Sapphira nodded. The commander seemed puzzled, opened her mouth to speak, and then smiled slyly as she seemed to realize something.

"Alright, go for it. I'll watch." The commander encouraged, lowering her rifle to the ground and leaning against it. The soldiers beside her gave her a look like she was crazy. "Come on. Go on, then. Show me what you'll do if I don't save your man." She taunted as Sapphira hesitated. The commander had called her bluff. There was no way she could give Maltheus an unidentified potion like this. Especially not when she seemed so close to convincing the commander that they would need Maltheus alive! Sapphira grimaced angrily and lowered the potion away from his open mouth. "There you go..." The commander smiled, crossing her arms. "Lesson one in negotiations... Don't make an offer you aren't willing to follow through with. ...Now hand it over, and nobody gets hurt." The commander demanded, holding out her hand. Sapphira looked down at the bottle, then back up to the commander. Eh... What's the worst that could happen?

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