Creakwood park

18 1 0

Remi's Pov

I woke up feeling dizzy and nervous. I was meeting Awsten at creakwood park today. I got changed, and headed off to work. I went into the back, and put on my green apron. I went back up to the front, because I was working the register again.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?" I asked.

"Hi! Can I get a venti pink drink?" She asked. I grabbed a venti sized cup, and wrote the order down on the cup. I looked back at her. Surprisingly, she seemed to look a lot like Awsten. Maybe I was going crazy, because I was too busy thinking about him all day, or maybe it was because she had a mask on, and I couldn't really see her whole face.

"A name for the order?" I asked.

"Gracie," she said, and I wrote her name down on the cup. I started to work on the pink drink. Once it was done I called out her name.

"Gracie?!" I said, and she came up to the counter.

"Thank you! Also you look really familiar. Have we ever met before?" Gracie asked.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Oh, you just look like someone my brother talks about a lot."

"What's your brothers name?"

"Awsten," she said.

"As in Awsten Knight?" I asked.

"Yup! That's him." She said.

"O-oh, uh yea I know him. My names Remi."

"Omg!! You're Remi? He really misses you."

"Uh...I'm supposed to meet him today at Creakwood park." I said.

"That's great!! Anyways, I have to go! It was nice meeting you." Gracie said, as she walked out the door. I headed back to doing work.

Time skip
It was 2:00 pm. I took off my apron, and ordered something for me and Awsten. I remember what he ordered from yesterday, so I just got him that. Creakwood park was a bit far away from where I worked so, I put on some music, and started on my walk. I got there a few minutes late, but it's whatever. I walked around trying to look for Awsten. Then, I saw his bright multi-colored hair. He was sitting on a bench by himself, watching random people pass by. I sighed, and walked up to him.

"Hi..." I said, as I sat down next to him, handing him the cup of coffee I bought him.

"Hey, thanks for the coffee..." he said. "Why don't we go for a walk" We both stood up, and walked on the trail. It was silent for a few minutes. Not completely silent though. The sound of birds chirping, water falling from a waterfall nearby, the wind slowly blowing the trees around, were still there. It felt nice.

"So...," Awsten said, breaking the silence. "Why did you break up with me?"

"I couldn't take it anymore! Your fans were sending me death threats every single day! At first I didn't care, but then it just got to the point were I couldn't fucking deal with it anymore!" I said, raising my voice a little.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you, because I knew you would overreact."

"Well I rather overreact, than lose the love of my life."

"You're acting like it's my fault!"

"Because it is your fault!" He started to raise his voice as well.

"It's your fault!! They're your fans! Don't put all the blame on me!!"

"God Rem, I loved you. I really did. You fucking dumped me, and over text too. It broke my heart when you broke up with me." He said, calming down.

"I loved you too. It hurt me to break up with you, but I had to do it so I didn't kill myself. It hurt so much. I finally let go, and then I see you again. I missed you so much." I said, as I pulled him into a hug.

"I missed you too Remi." He said, as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His head rested on top of my head, while my head was in his chest. I silently cried in his shirt.

"Hey...hey, don't cry." He said, lifting my chin with his finger. We wiped the tears off of my cheeks.

"Sorry...I just...I-I missed you so much."

"Do you think we could be friends again?" Awsten asked.

"I would like that," I said, giving him a small smile. He took my hand in his, as we continued to walk down the trail. When the sun started setting, we started to walk back to the park.

"Did you walk here?" He asked, and I nodded. "Let me drive you home."

"N-no I couldn't let you do that." I said.

"Cmon, it's getting dark. Please, just let me drive you home."

"Fine," I said. We walked back to his car. I showed him the way to my apartment building.

"Oh, I met your sister today. She was at Starbucks today. She said she recognized me." I told him.

"Oh...she didn't say anything did she?"

"Just that you missed me, and you showed her pictures of me. That's all"

"I'm gonna kill that brat." He said, and we both laughed. Once we got back to my apartment building, we both just sat in the car.

"Let me walk you up," Awsten said.

"Awsten, I'm fine. I can do things on my own."

"I-I know, but I want to make sure you get inside safely."

"It sounds like you want to spend more time with me," I said, as I smirked at him.

"I-I don't know. I'll text you tomorrow," he said, looking down at his steering wheel.

"Not gonna bring me inside?" I asked, as I gave him the puppy dog eyes. He laughed, and we both got out of the car. We went into the elevator, and we walked to my apartment. I unlocked the door, and went inside.

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked.

"N-no I should get going anyway." He said.

"R-right. Bye Awsten." I said.

"Bye Rem," he said, as he leaned in, and kissed my cheek. I blushed, as he turned around, and went back into the elevator. I closed and locked the door. I got changed into pajamas, laid in bed, and called Lillian.

"Yes? What's wrong? What happened?" Lillian said, right as she answered the phone.

"It went great!" I said.

I hope you guys like the actual chapters!!

-sage 🤍🔮

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