Cafe Peaches

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Remi's Pov

I made myself look presentable, while I waited for Awsten to pick me up. I heard a knock on the door. I opened up the door, and saw Awsten standing there.

"Hi..." I said, a little awkwardly.

"Hey," he said. "You ready?" I nodded, and grabbed my coat off the coat rack. We got into the car, and he drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he said. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "Did you eat anything yet?" I shook my head 'no'. Once we got to this mystery place, we got out of the car. I looked up, and realized it was the cafe that Awsten and I went to on our first date. He opened up the door for me. I walked in, and he followed in after me.

"Hi! Welcome to Cafe Peaches what can I get you?" The young looking girl asked.

"Can I have two brownies, a vanilla latte, and a hot chocolate." Awsten told her.

"Yup! That'll be $13.99" she said. Awsten handed her the money, and we waited off to the side.

"So...," Awsten started. It was kinda awkward, not gonna lie. "How have you been the past year?"

"I've been all right I guess. I found Lillian, so at least I have a friend again...." I said, trailing off at the end, thinking about my past friendship.

"I'm sorry...." He said.

"It's fine, it's been three years, I'm over it."

"You're just saying that. You're never really gonna get over Cas."

"Yea...I guess you're right. I feel like a bad friend to Lillian..."


"Because sometimes I feel like I'm using her to get rid of the pain I get from losing Casper."

"You aren't a bad friend for that. You are going to miss Casper for probably your whole entire life, and you're going to miss those memories, but at least you'll make new memories with Lillian."

"Yea, I guess you're right. Thanks Aws." I said, giving Awsten a hug.

"Two brownies...vanilla latte...and a hot chocolate." The cashier said.

"Go find us a table," Awsten said. He went up to get our stuff, and I sat at a table near the window. Awsten walked over to where I sat down. He gave me a brownie and the hot chocolate.

"You remembered my order..." I said.

"Of course I did." Awsten said, as he smiled. He sat down across from me. I ate the brownie slowly, and took small sips from my hot chocolate.

"What about you? How have you been?" I asked.

"I've been alright...just busy writing music. We have a new album coming out soon, so there's that." He said.

"That's cool" I said, taking a sip from my hot chocolate.

Time skip
Awsten and I drove around town listening to music. I looked over at Awsten, to see that he was already looking at me.

"Eyes on the road! Are you trying to kill me?" I said.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

"Aws I was joking...but seriously eyes on the road." I said, feeling bad. He didn't say anything, he just looked at the road. I sighed, and continued to listen to the music playing.

Time Skip
"Why didn't you tell me?" Awsten asked.

"Tell you what?" I asked, confused.

"That my fans were sending you death threats!" He said.

"Oh my god, not this again, I'm not doing this!" I said, raising my voice a little.

"Just tell me why you wouldn't tell me!"

"Because I knew you would overreact!"

"I simply would have just told them to fuck off!!"

"You can't say that to your fans!"

"Sure I can!"

"I didn't want people hating you...sorry that I cared about your job." I mumbled. "Just take me home."

"I'm sorry." Awsten said.

"Sorry isn't going to fix anything. I just want to go home." I said. Awsten drove me back to my apartment. Once we got there, I got out of the car, as I cried silently. I didn't feel like taking the stairs, so I took the elevator. I pressed the 'up' button, and the doors opened. Of course someone was in there, just my luck.

"Hey, why are you crying?" The guy asked me. He seemed to be around my age, if not a year or two older. I didn't say anything, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Surely something has to be wrong." He said.

"My ex was being a jerk..." I said, quietly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My names Colson." The guy said, which apparently his name is Colson.

"My names Remi," I said, starting to feel more comfortable. I looked up at Colson to finally get a good look at him. He had shaggy black hair, a lip ring, and a earring. You know your average punk boy.

"How old are you?" I asked, a little curious.

"24. What about you?"

"23" I said. The elevator's doors opened.

"Well this is my stop. Here's my number though." He said, giving me a piece of paper.

"Thanks..." I said. The doors closed again, and went up another two floors. The doors opened again, and I walked out. I got to my apartment door, and I unlocked it. I walked in, and put the keys down on the kitchen counter. I put my coat on the rack, and took off my shoes. I took out my phone, and the piece of paper Colson gave me.


Hey, it's Remi
The person from the elevator

Oh! Hey Remi :)

I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?

Sure I would love that!

Great! You can come over I'm on floor 10
Door 28

Ok, see you then

New character:)

-sage 🤍🔮

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