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"Amelia," I start with a voice calmer than what I'm feeling. "There is no way Cal killed himself. I saw him. Outside the cemetery. He was bloody and very very dead."

"But the paper said-"

"Fuck those papers," Cal spits. "I didn't kill myself, and I wasn't even near the cemetery." He glances at me, as if I'm lying.

"Where were you then, Cal?"

"Here. I was home." I've known him long enough to be able to tell when he's lying, and he's not, but I can tell he's uncomfortable.

And so is Amelia. She studies the corner of the throw pillow like it's her job. "You were with her." I might be blonde but I'm not stupid. Jealousy eats me, and I have to remind myself that I wasn't alive when they slept together. At least I don't think it's been going on that long. I don't ask; I'm afraid to know the answer, especially now that I have a fellow undead and the afterlife isn't so lonely.

Amelia nods, and Cal whispers, "Yeah," so low I can hardly hear him.

I swallow -a habit left over from my living days- before I say, "Okay. Okay. Where did you go from here?"

"I-I can't remember. I don't remember anything after Amelia left." So it wasn't just me that didn't remember their last moments alive. That's slightly more calming.

"Maybe there's clues here?" Amelia offers. She's right, as much as it pains me to admit it. However, after last night's activities, I don't want her searching for them. I still don't know what she was doing in my room, and flat-out asking her more than likely won't give me the results I wanted to hear.

"Probably not. He looked pretty banged up when I saw him."

"Was he...?"

"I'm right here, you know."

We both ignore him. "Yeah. At least I think so."

"What do you mean you think so? You didn't go get help?"

"Amelia. I'm dead. In case you hadn't noticed. What was I supposed to do? Call the police and wait for them to come so they could find out the dead girl found a dead body? Or would you have preferred I go to the station and let them know in person?" Harsh, but true.

Cal looks uncomfortable. He's never liked confrontation. Come to think of it, neither have I. At least some things have changed with death. "Okay, I get it." She looks at her Apple Watch. "Can I go home now? It's late."

It is late. But there's still one more question...

Cal beats me to it. "Yeah, you can go." Amelia starts to get off the couch, but he holds a finger up. "But one more thing. What were you doing here in the first place?"

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