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Inherited will...

The tide of the times...

People's dreams...

These things cannot be stopped.

As long as people seek the answer of freedom, these things will never cease to be!

The next couple of days went by peacefully. They didn't meet any other ships, pirate, marine, or otherwise. There were no sea kings or other strange creatures like they expected after entering the Grand Line. It was like the calm before the storm.

Speaking of which, the continuous change of season was the only big change. Today, for instance, snow just began falling from the sky out of nowhere. From time to time, it would become spring, but it was short-lived. Spring would last a couple of seconds or a minute at most. Then winter would return with its freezing cold and last for hours.

That's how they had spent the whole day, these kids who were used to experiencing the four seasons in normal intervals. Luffy and Usopp didn't seem to mind much, though.

"All right! This is the man that fell from the sky, Mr. Snow Barrel!" Luffy patted his amazing creation. A snowman like any other, made of two snowballs, one top of the other. It had a green cape, two rocks for crooked eyes, a mouth made of... something, and its nose and arms were made of wooden sticks. On its head was a barrel, hence its name.

"Hahaha. That's such a crude snowman." Usopp smirked arrogantly, not putting Luffy's snowman in his eyes, "Behold! My masterpiece in snow art! The Snow Queen!"

It was really good. It was like a sculpture made of clay rather than snow. The snow piece was in the form of a young woman sitting on a rock of snow. Her hair was short, but every strand was detailed. The same could be said for her dress which showed every wrinkle. The fingers and toes along with the nails were there and every muscle was realistic.

Luffy gawked, "Whoa! That's amazing! Okay, then. Snow Barrel Punch!" Being impressed didn't mean he was okay with losing. Luffy hit the back of his snowman, sending the wooden stick that made for the left arm flying into the face of the Snow Queen.

It sort of took a second for Usopp to react and notice his masterpiece had no head anymore, "......The hell was that for?!"

Now they both had no head.

"Gahhhh! Mr. Snow Barrel!"

Let the battle commence. Just like that, Luffy and Usopp began fighting and throwing snowballs at each other. Some of the snowballs being bigger than others.

The impressive part, though, was that they were doing all of that while wearing their normal everyday clothes. The same ones they had worn throughout their travels in the East Blue. Luffy had his red shirt and knee-length pants with sandals and Usopp had his brown overalls with no shirt underneath.

It was a miracle they weren't freezing to death already, but the two idiots were actually jumping around, making snowmen, and having snowball fights.

[Name] tightened the scarf around her neck, hugging herself to keep some warmth. Even with the coat, pants, and boots she wore, it still felt cold whether it was inside the cabin where Nami stayed with the whale hunters or out here in the deck where she watched the two idiots play in the snow.

She rubbed her gloved hands, a cold mist coming out of her mouth every time she breathed. "It's so tiring just to watch them..."

Though she said that, she didn't leave. This was her only entertainment at the moment, to tell the truth.

One Piece: In Search of Freedom [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now