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Wealth, fame, power...

Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained everything this world has to offer.

The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas.

"My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there!"

And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams!

The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!

"The Marines, no, the Sekai Seifu is after [Name] because of something she inherited. [Name]... She is... a weapon of mass destruction capable of annihilating the whole world."

"A weapon of mass destruction..." sweated Zoro, the cook finishing up, "...capable of annihilating the whole world?!"

"What are you talking about?! Such a thing...! Is such a thing even possible?!" cried out Nami.

Huffing, the older woman interjected sharply, "It is. And she isn't the only one."

"Oe, oe. Are you saying there's a bunch of people who could destroy the world if they felt like it?" asked Usopp incredulously, hoping this was all some kind of sick joke.

"There are four of them." stated Chihiro bluntly, shocking them, "F-FOUR?!!"

Drawing in a deep breath, she picked up, "Aa. They are called the Kodai Heiki*(Ancient Weapons). Uranus, Poseidon, Pluto, and Juno."

The five of them sat there in disbelief, just listening intently. Luffy staying strangely quiet in his place.

"The Sekai Seifu has kept them mostly secret so not many people know, but that is the truth. They are all real. Every single one of them. [Name] is the Kyodai Heiki Juno without a doubt. The weapon with the heavenly power of controlling the seas. And now that they know that, they want to use her to destroy pirates and the like. Obliterate anyone who stands in their way."

"Her abilities before... That wasn't an Akuma no Mi, was it?" asked Nami, already knowing the answer which the inventor confirmed with a nod.

"But, if such powerful weapons exist, why haven't they used them before?" wondered the sniper.

Chihiro clasped her hands together, tightening their hold, "Because they don't know where they are. No one knows the locations of the weapons or what they truly are. [Name] might be a human, but Pluto is believed to be some sort of ship. These weapons come in all kinds of forms, hiding somewhere in the vast seas. But the Sekai Seifu is sure they exist."

A bead of sweat fell down Sanji's cheek as he asked, "[Name]-chan is a human though. What makes them so sure she is one of these weapons?"

"...It all... began with her mother... Historia D Selena."


A small smile grew on her face at their questioning gazes, looking at the captain, "She never told you her full name, did she? After she came to this island, she began calling herself by her mother's maiden name in place of her father's. She is Historia D [Name]."

Chihiro chuckled at their reactions, but then it was quickly replaced by a grim expression, "Selena... She... was an unlucky woman who suffered being desired for something she had not obtained. Her whole family had been hiding from the Sekai Seifu for 800 years and she had the misfortune of being found. She was forced into marriage and became just another one of the many wives of her husband, just another trophy..."

One Piece: In Search of Freedom [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now